    Really great fun friends when you were a kid

    Mine was Val A. She was over the top hilarious. We played hockey, debated about our favourite  hockey players and built massive houses for our Barbie Dolls. 

    Every day we would meet outside and decide what we were going to do with our day.  

    It was great fun. 

    +5  Views: 725 Answers: 4 Posted: 8 years ago

    4 Answers

    I met Betty in the sixth grade and we quickly became best friends. She would spend the night with me and we would listen to music, make prank phone calls and walk for hours exploring our small town. We found an abandoned trailer house and took the table and chairs over to the creek and set up a play house underneath the bridge where the creek had dried up.  After I moved away, Betty would come and visit me for a few weeks every summer,  we had so much fun together. When I married at the age of 18, Betty and I lost track of one another. We finally got in contact again  in 2011, but clearly we have grown apart, don't have much of anything in common.


    I don't know Val any longer but, the memories are pretty grand.
    It sounds as if yours are as well.

    ....good pals then, great friends now.


    A blessing.
    If that is your case you are one fortunate man.

    ....I thank God daily for our blessings .

    Nancee  was a very close friend from elementary through high school. Laurie has been a true friend since kindergarten. 


    Think about how fortunate you are. What a complete blessing.


    There are not very many people who can say that. :)

    Her friendship is a treasure and I never take this blessing for granted. Another good friend is Marlan, since first grade. Old (as me) friends

    I had a great mate, we were close friend from babies till we met our future wives, we were like brothers, he went to Queensland, keep in touch occasionally, marriages sometimes causes friends to drift apart.    :)


    That is very true.

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