I know I was placed in detention a few times but the only time I can remember why I was placed in detention/OCS was for calling someone a "B" who had been picking on a friend of mine. The detention room was adjoined next to the Principal's office so once school was let out, my friend and I sneaked into the office and searched through the files to look for the class schedules, home phone numbers and addresses of a couple of boys we had crushes on and we found everything we needed. We both took advantage of the information we obtained and we didn't get caught. :))
5 Answers
No such thing as detention at my old school, if you were a bad boy/girl you got this....
..usually 6 on the palm of each hand, sometimes more(depended on the teacher), the belt was called a "Tawse" and it was produced a stones throw from my town and used in schools all over the UK, happy days!
8 years ago. Rating: 7 | |

NEVER. Never, ever, ever. I was too terrified of my mom to get in trouble. Though I've dodged a bullet or two.
A fait worse than death, my mother God love her......
8 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
....I would take licks/swats in junior high to avoid staying after school and facing my dad.
8 years ago. Rating: 5 | |

I guess you heard this phrase a lot when you were growing up, " Wait til your dad gets home"! YIKES!
Nope,to many to remember,,Detention room was my normal classroom..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
8 years ago. Rating: 5 | |

Lots of detention for tardies, and once for cutting school. My cohort and I drove to San Francisco for the day....a 3 hour drive one way. We got caught b/c my mom needed the car and got a ride to the school to get it. Suspicions were aroused when the car wasn't in the parking lot and I wasn't in class.
8 years ago. Rating: 2 | |