    Do you remember the first time you received detention or OCS during school and why?

    I know I was placed in detention a few times but the only time I can remember why I was placed in detention/OCS was for calling someone a "B" who had been picking on a friend of mine.  The detention room was adjoined next to the Principal's office so once school was let out, my friend and I sneaked into the office and searched through the files to look for the class schedules, home phone numbers and addresses of a couple of boys we had crushes on and we found everything we needed.  We both took advantage of the information we obtained and we didn't get caught. :))

    +5  Views: 717 Answers: 5 Posted: 8 years ago

    What's OCS ?
    country bumpkin

    On campus suspension.

    5 Answers

    No such thing as detention at my old school, if you were a bad boy/girl you got this....


    ..usually 6 on the palm of each hand, sometimes more(depended on the teacher), the belt was called a "Tawse" and it was produced a stones throw from my town and used in schools all over the UK, happy days!

    country bumpkin

    I've heard of teachers slapping hands with rulers but this is my first time I've heard of or seen a Tawse. Ouch, Tawse this torture device out the window!. :)

    We were all lined up to witness two kids being strapped by Mr. Olsen our principle. I will never forget that day and the words he said.

    It hurt on the bum Ted,made my eyes water,,

    Romos,in my school, the men teachers paddled the boys in the gym, using a large, thick,wood paddle with holes in it to make it swing faster.

    NEVER. Never, ever, ever. I was too terrified of my mom to get in trouble. Though I've dodged a bullet or two.

    A fait worse than death, my mother God love her......

    country bumpkin

    You were a goody two shoes. :)

    Well, I hung with the “wrong crowd” but still maintained good grades and I never got caught….

    I didn't get detention, either, Julie, b/c if I did anything wrong my dad would have made my life miserable .

    ....I would take licks/swats in junior high to avoid staying after school and facing my dad.

    country bumpkin

    Tee Hee Hee, I had forgotten, but you've reminded me, when I was in the 8th grade I got in a small bit of trouble and chose 6 licks with a paddle instead of staying after school for detention. Ha! It happened on a Wednesday and I didn't want to miss Wednesday afternoon church. :)

    I guess you heard this phrase a lot when you were growing up, " Wait til your dad gets home"! YIKES!

    Nope,to many to remember,,Detention room was my normal classroom..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..""

    country bumpkin

    Detention should have been re-named in your honour. :)
    terryfossil 1

    They eventually threw me out of school, so at 15 i became a cane cutter,best thing that ever happened to me..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Lots of detention for tardies, and once for cutting school. My cohort and I drove to San Francisco for the day....a 3 hour drive one way. We got caught b/c my mom needed the car and got a ride to the school to get it. Suspicions were aroused when the car wasn't in the parking lot and I wasn't in class.

    country bumpkin

    You picked the wrong day to skip school, darn the luck. :(

    I'd only planned to be gone for one class, to get my saxophone from the repair shop so I would have it for concert band later that morning. The friend who went with me wanted to cut the day. We had 27 cents on the way home and the bridge toll was 25. I put a dime in my shoe (for an emergency call; this was the olden days, 1968), and gave the toll collector my 17 cents. He "loaned" me the other 8, which I repaid promptly when I got home (and the dust had settled). Mom needed the car because she wanted to get some things for me....boy, did I feel badly about that. Being as popular as I wasn't, several people thought I should have been kicked out of school for going to SF for the day. I never understood why the destination was more important to them than the fact that it was an unexcused absence. Oh well, who they were has long been forgotten, but the adventure lives on. :D

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