    Do you shop at Wal-Mart?

    Just curious how many there are out there, world wide aren’t they? What do you like to shop for there?


    +10  Views: 837 Answers: 12 Posted: 9 years ago

    12 Answers

    ....yes, often for all kinds of things.

    We do our main shop at Asda, Wal Mart actually own it, so I suppose we do shop there.


    I would if I could but, we don't have it here.I think our Australian version of Walmart is K-Mart. It's only been the last couple of years that we got Costco.

    As Terry said we don't have it over here.(YET). I shopped there when I was in the U.S. & I have to say I liked it. Virtually everything under one roof. There has been some talk of some stores opening up here but nothing has come of it yet.

    Years ago we had Waltons which was operated by the same family.That was a good store also but not as big as the walmarts that I saw over there.

    Walmart is not in Aussie JH..we do have a similar place though,,


    Your loss
    terryfossil 1

    Nah,we got costco..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    And Aldi.

    Yes, and especially when I need a variety of items. That's the place to go in that case....they'll have it all.

    There are several WM stores within 10-15 minutes in any direction, and Costco and Sam's Club. 

    I seldom got to WM, as I have little need of anything most of the time.

    Sometimes!  I use their photo shop for developing film and you get a compact disk of the photos too! Also they have Ponzu sauce which is hard to find in grocery stores.


    Ponzu sauce?

    Made by Kikkoman It is a citrus seasoning& sauce. Lime flavored! Excellent for stirfried chicken

    We have ASDA owned by Walmart as Roy previously mentioned. I don't know if larger ASDA's stores exist in the UK, but the one in our town is not quite as large as a Super Walmart so the selection is lacking in a few departments.


    Big ones in Merton little ones in Scotland,,

    To far for me to go bya


    bus to Julie,,











    To far for me to go by bus Julie,,





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