In the 1970's my Aunt Joni and I went to the local theater to watch a movie starring Sherman Hensley (Jefferson's). We felt a bit awkward when the movie started playing and the two of us were the only people there. We watched approximately 30 minutes of the movie and it was so boring, we called home to have someone come to get us.
4 Answers
In college, walked out of "A Star Is Born" and went across the Plaza to Marino's, one of no less than 10 bars around the town square, where I met Jim, the guy in the gym who took my breath away! My car had been side-swiped by someone, which I didn't notice until the next morning. The police actually found the guy, who'd been arrested that night for DUI. He repaired my car and no hit/run was added to his woes.....and there, but for the grace of God, would have been me.
9 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
I havn't , a mate of mine who was Vietnam Vet Conscript, had not been out of the Army for long, he walk out before the movie had finished, it must has been close to what it was like over there, it was The Deer Hunter, he was pretty upset, he never discussed the film at all.
9 years ago. Rating: 2 | |