7 Answers
I called one for my friend. I was speaking to her on the phone,and I thought she was having a stroke. She had parked her car 20 minutes before, didn't know where she parked it, and had been to her daughter's birthday party a few hours before and didn't remember it. She had the wherewithal to call me and I called 911. They rattled off my address (they have it in their system) and I had to yell at them to go to my friend's apartment, 5 miles away, not mine. She was released from the hospital the next day. It was just attributed to stress.
9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Collapsed in front of a cop, never thought I was ill apart from a mild hangover, turned out I'd had a brain hemorrhage, 30 min police escort to the nearest neurological unit and I was just great 2 years later, you've all heard it before, I'm still around to care about.
9 years ago. Rating: 5 | |

They dropped by one night for me when I thought my blood pressure was alarmingly high. (150/90) and stayed with me until the panic/anxiety passed.
There is an interesting story about one of my sons calling 911 when his brother started screaming about, well, this isn't the place for THAT story....
9 years ago. Rating: 5 | |