They can fight JH..this guy is just playing,if he wanted to he could open the fella's gut with one foot from chest to groin,,are they smart.??? you betcha,,if a pack of dogs chase them,a roo will lead them to water stream,,a good sized roo can stand 5 to 6 feet high,,he will just stand in the water and when the dogs swim out to get him,,he will simply hold them underwater,,,That aint a dumb roo JH..

11 Answers
9 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
You put your left leg in your right leg out , in out in out shake it all about, you do the OCKIE KOCKIE and you turn around, that's what it's all about. all together now oooOH OCKIE KOCKIE KOCKIE
One of these little rascals. A Meerkat.
9 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
My neice had a day at an animal rescue, and merkat centre as a bithday treat last year. She asked us to go along with her and her sisters son, we had a great time. I went into the merkat cage/ enclosure with her (as no one else wanted to) , they were really very friendly ,climbed all over us ,sat on our laps and heads . They nibbled but didn't hurt, I think these ones were used to being handled .
I'll need a bigger yard.....
9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Bigger yard Bob.????? i am sure you meant stronger yard...If this fence can keep a ship in,,i am sure it can keep a rhino in,,,by the way,how do they handle walking on a doggie lead..

I've never been close to one, but think they are awesome. Seeing photos of them mutilated for their horns is sickening. :(
Why would you wanna train this little guy JH,i once had a little joey about this guys size when i was about 6 years old,,we were living on a sheep station and my old man shot a roo,the roo had a little joey in her,,the old man gave it to me and it followed me everywhere,,joey followed me out to the thunder box one day,when i came out he was gone,,he was never tied up,he must have seen some other roos and hopped off to join them,,here i am 65 years old,and i have never forgotten him,,back when i was a 6 year old kid Joey was my best mate..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..Those were the days..
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
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