Croissants in Paris (They are made fresh)
Tapas in Seattle ... simply delicious.
"Pig or Pork" - China Town in Edmonton with a very dear friend who had a large sense of humor. I was very pregnant at the time.
My husband rates all memories and vacations in relation to the meals. Enjoying a great meal or attaching a wonderful memory to food fills our souls.
What are your great food memories?
6 Answers
Colombia...Hand toasted Giant Queen Leafcutter Ants coated in the finest Belgian Chocolate. Every spring when the rains come in Colombia the Guane Indians collect the new Queens when they are emerging from their underground nests, only one Queen Ant is needed in a colony so the new Queens have to leave. The Indians have been collecting these ants every spring when they fly from their nests to toast in a clay pot over an open fire for centuries, and they are considered a rare delicacy. Yummy.
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |

I worked with a girl from Columbia. She never mentioned the chocolate covered poor dead royal ants.
You, of course would know far more about insects than I, as you are KING OF THE FLEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I really wish I had an astounding reverb to go along with that).
I am giving you best answer based upon three things:
The very fact you visited Columbia.
The very fact that you actually knew about what you were eating in finite detail and you enjoyed it.
And... this is most important... The very fact that you are willing to share the information because I would never inform a person with ants tattooed around her ankles that I ate ants. That is bold. (I do suppose we have to do something with the rejected ants. Sad and true. Cover them with astounding chocolate and eat them up... Le' Sob).
World's biggest breakfast in Blanco Texas.I still feel bloated. :)
9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |

At a Diner in San francisco, i had what Americans do best, A Big Breakfast with loads of Hash Browns, i just love how they do Hash Browns, and of course the bottomless cups of coffee.
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Beignets in New Orleans ARE unforgettable, Café du Monde on the Mississippi River, yep!
Clam Chowder at "The Mooring" in Newport, Rhode Island (and scallop corn chowder, too)
Escargot somewhere in France a lifetime ago.
Fish Fry Friday at Roxie's, Cape Vincent, NY.
Spinach, sun-dried tomato, and feta cheese pizza, NYC
9 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
I am inventing my own food memories just from reading this.
My husband is right. Food memories are great memories and they are Universal.
We visited my favorite Uncle who was a very enthusiastic participant in the project. Of all my vacations, that by far was my favorite with my girls.