    All time favorite car.

    '67 Mustang fastback. 

    +6  Views: 931 Answers: 10 Posted: 9 years ago
    Tags: cool cars!
    country bumpkin

    My son's step mom has a red 67 Mustang and it's a beauty! 60's Mustangs are my second favorite. Lovely.

    Such a nice sound and the little back end jumped. Very nice drive.

    I liked my bro's 71 Mustang and my ' 70 Nova .

    Good memories. Nice cars.

    10 Answers

    1971 Buick Riviera. Sorry FISH-O. Were you expecting a Barracuda?   ""


    Oh my gosh. That is amazing.
    I actually am a big fan of the Barracuda. I have a friend who's husband has been fixing one up for her for about... the last 20 years. It's blue and cute and once or twice a year they take it out for a drive. :)

    Buick made some really great and interesting cars.

    ....560 SL Mercedes Roadster 


    Sweet car. There is a person who has one in silver somewhere in my neighbourhood and every time my mom and I see that car we stop breathing.

    When I was growing up we played street hockey as do all Canadian kids (I hope)... (except maybe my son as I can't seem to convince him that it is a 'very' fantastic sport). Every kid has to stop playing hockey when a car drives by which means the hockey nets have to move and all kids stand aside. Once in a while a "CAAAR" drives by and all kids say "CAAAR", then watch that "CAAAR" drive by. The rest of the cars are just a massive inconvenience because actually, we are playing Hockey Night In Canada and that is SERIOUS.

    In Michigan, kids play street hockey too, b/c they grow up on the Detroit Red Wings, who have been known to win the Stanly cup 3 years in a row !

    Sweet team!
    I love hockey. Don't get me started. :).
    I was completely devastated the day Wayne Gretzky became a commodity. When he cried, I cried.
    Peter the "P" and his wife were customers of ours.
    That is when hockey changed.



    A friend of mine has that exact same model.Nothing but trouble I'm afraid.

    Very sweet but, you always have to own two. I had a friend that specialized in fixing them. The, "Always having to own two", came from him.

    That's right Fishy.One to drive while the other one is in the shop.
    country bumpkin

    I haven't had the experience of driving a Jag and I've heard there are some really crappy Jags that have been made. I turn my head every time I see an older model drive past me and I must peek through the windows if I see one in a parking lot. I admire them because I think they are so pretty.

    They are a beautiful automobile. At one time I would take a walk to my friend's garage just to take a peek at the insides.

    I also had a friend who would only buy Jags. She was tall, beautiful and completely refined. Her husband had oodles of money, didn't treat her very well .... and why the heck do I remember this now??? She was a vegan and made the worst cookies on the planet. ... Ha ha, ha!

    Her cars were amazing and she lived in one of the most expensive properties in our area. Her house was amazing on the outside and a complete tip on the inside.

    She was one really special lady. :D

    That would be why Jags are special to me.

    beautiful. I like it when people call them '' Jag wire "

    My 1968 Chevy Impala SuperSport with Craiger mags and Jensen sound system. Fire engine red with rag top!


    Nice CAAAR!

    sounds good ! Shades of my Nova !

    A Chevy Nova is a cool car.

    Thats strange you should say that about the yellow game Fish, my grand kids and their friends look for a yellow V Dub (VW Beetle), it's a small world.  :)  oh oh this is supposed to be a comment, more karma for me. lol.


    Try "Beep Beep there's a Jeep". You get two points if it's yellow. :)
    I don't think anyone is bugging us about answering things twice these days.

    We have "Punch Buggy" here for VW Bugs. I won't let the kids play that one because someone always gets hurt and her name is Kenna ... and she cried a lot when she got hurt. Zero tolerance for discomfort and so, that game ended pretty quickly.

    A 1971 Datsun 1600 (510),  Shockingly bright orange almost red, it was the car to have in it's day-- 4 cylinder wise, girls love riding in them, so did i.     :)


    Little fast ride after the muscle cars. Fun.

    a girl magnet, Bullet

    Ford Capri 2litre,with twin downdraught carbs,,


    You are funny and smart. The European equivalent. :)

    Hect , what year is it ?

    About 1988,i think,,m,c,m,

    My Hyundai Santa Fe.  It is just right for me.

    Image result for 2010 hyundai santa fe sport


    Oh, that is so cute!

    :-) it's roomy, great cargo area, sort of sporty, and sits up a little more than most autos. Mine is this awful color, but has the standard transmission I like.

    That sounds like a really great car to me... the very fact it is an awful colour makes it massively cool.

    If you tell me it is yellow, then you win the game of "Yellow Car!". This is a very important game as we drive back and forth to school, swimming classes, skating classes, Judo classes, Guitar lessons, Dance lessons and pretty much everything else we do.

    Fortunately the Santa Fe does not come out in yellow, almost bought one, settled on a Toyota,---- neither does Toyota

    You clearly have never played, "Yellow Car!". It is really fun with six year olds.

    I drove that for a few days and liked it.

    Zorro, do you mean the Yellow Car or the mighty Dat 1600

    Love my g. friend's yellow Chevy Spark .

    Yellow cars are fun.

    Does a truck work? 1979 Ford F 150 300 cid and a creeper 4 speed


    I drive an F 150. You have great taste in trucks.

    the F Series is awesome and a good seller

    1967 Shelby GTKR500 convertible mustang. 427 2 four barrel carbs four speed. I drove this once in the early 80s. Wish I had bought it then. Didn't have the 40,000 dollars the old lady wanted for it. So I bought her stock 66 mustang used in trans am racing in southern California. 289 2 four barrel carbs, and it was fast and sound good too.


    I am looking at F150 crew cab 4x4.

    You are killing me! An old lady who actually owned two cars like that. Did she work for Ford?

    My F50 is 16 years old and still going strong. When the poor sweet thing actually say's Goodbye to me, I am buying another one. That truck of mine has taken me everywhere, and is completely reliable. The only odd thing has been the window motor on the driver's side.

    No , actually she had two shelbys, and then the one mustang I bought. One was the 67 and another 68 Shelby.

    I imagine she didn't think that was amazing at all. :)

    Zorro, you know your cars !

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