    What have you ever lost that haunts you still today?

    My wedding ring.  I hhad it,  set it down and it was gone. Cheap little piece of metal we bought for $19.....

    +3  Views: 396 Answers: 2 Posted: 9 years ago

    MsBob, we do get issued with a tax file no when we first start work after leaving school, this no. is used for virtually all legal documents just like you but children certainly do not have ID / security documents. students can have an ID card if requested for concessions for movies, public transport etc.

    Wrong section….

    2 Answers

    My social security card disappeared in a nice little brown leather wallet that was nothing more than a card holder.  I keep thinking it will turn up somewhere, and dread going to the SS office to get a new one.  The other night, I was looking at a file folder and found the social security card that was issued to me as a child.  That should still work....


    MsBob, these security cards are like Big Brother is watching you, as far as i know we don't have them in Australia nor the UK.

    It is a source of income when we are retired or disabled. It is part of our senior health care system, too. We can't get a credit card without disclosing that number, as it is tied to our income tax reports....and darned near everything else, although there are specific circumstances where that number does NOT have to be given, even if requested (an example being the doctor's office) What does Australia use to keep track of people?
    terryfossil 1

    We have a tax file number the day you start work,,without that number you cannot legally get a job,,best id is always a passport,,but not everyone has one,,next best is drivers license,,we have a fairly good digital one..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I dropped a zippo lighter in my '71 Datsun 1600  back in 1971, i virtually stripped the car , never found it, i think the car may have been haunted.   :)

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