7 Answers
It's possible Mac was picked up by the dog catcher so call them or better yet stop by the pound every day to take a look.
I was living at the lake when my sweet pekingese mix went missing and she never came back home. I made up a bunch of flyers and posted them all over the lake hoping someone would see her and bring her back home. I don't know what happened to Grimmie, but it's possible she may have drowned because she loved the water so she would jump in the lake for a quick swim.
9 years ago. Rating: 8 | |

I was traumatised and full of anxiety, all for a cat! but after eleven days, in walked Rombo and everything was rosy again.
If you can have your pets ID. chipped this could help in tracing them back to you.
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Thank you so much and so good to see you back here. It's been a long time! Yes, Mac has a chip. I'm hoping I'm not the only one in the neighborhood who is aware of chips!
I took a cat on a motor home trip several years ago and she disappeared. I was inconsolable as we pulled away from the park. She turned up an hour later, hidden under, behind, and within the couch. Silly cat!
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