    Trumpy,now wants the others in the republican party to stand aside now,Wadda think??

    +6  Views: 591 Answers: 5 Posted: 9 years ago

    5 Answers

    Oh, no no no no no no no.  THIS is the time to link arms and put up a united front.  I am becoming more in favor of a Cruz-Rubio ticket to stand against the Dumpster.  They must think that by keeping the party divided into 3rds or 4ths, they can keep the Trojan Horse from securing the nomination. 
    A successful exercise in deceit: The Trojan Horse is a tale from the Trojan War about the subterfuge that the Greeks used to enter the city of Troy and win the war.  Trump is a Trojan Horse of a different color, but just as deadly, if not more so. 

    Image result for trojan horse

    Keep standing up against the big bully!


    Oh come on now. Trump isn't bully. If you believe that you have to believe Cruz was born in Canada. Dang, Cruz was born in Canada. There is lawsuit to determine if Cruz is a USA citizen.

    And the law suit will fail, who in their right mind would waste so much money on so much, think logically, then vote for who you love most, it's the American way, is it not?
    terryfossil 1

    Was not that the same thing they said about Obama,,he was not an American citizen..??????

    Obama did some odd things with his college financial aid stuff, I think, leading to confusion. Either he was fraudulent in claiming alien status to secure aid, or he isn't an American citizen. You tell me, because I am still confused.
    terryfossil 1

    Bob,i honestly would not have a clue,,<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>..

    The only way the man knows how to act, he is not used to people standing up and disagreeing with him, time will tell.


    Its a pity Bob did not thow her hat into the ring,could have done a lot worse,,

    Indeed, her policies seem sound.

    Oh, I am getting a HUGE LOL out of those comments, guys.

    ....what, give up ?

    ....forward ever, backward never.

    It would make it easier for him to win, wouldn't it Hec ?????,,but nobody is going to walk away without a fight..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    If he wins, so many more of us will lose,

    Oh come on now I really don't think so. Obama represented the weak ideals of American society quite well .

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