I looked forward to playing, Go Fish. The children were given a fishing pole with a clothes pen attached to it (instead of a hook). The children would cast the line across a makeshift border or wall and an adult who was hiding on the other side would attach a small gift to the fishing line and when he/she yanked on the line it was time to reel in the gift.
7 Answers
....eating ice cream.
9 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Pin the tail on the donkey.
9 years ago. Rating: 9 | |

Pass the parcel, i enjoyed it as a kid, kids today still enjoy it. :)
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |

I mostly remember the pin the tail on the donkey/nose on the clown, although I'm sure we played other games at my parties and at friends' parties
It was very fun when my son had a small overnight birthday party and invited 3 friends. With his brothers, Dad, and Mom, we took the kids to the elementary school 1/2 mile away (3 generations of my family attended this little country school) and played Frisbee football before heading back home for pizza, cake, movies, games, etc. etc. etc. The game was so much fun for everyone.
That night, I told the boys our ceiling fan started up all by itself and one time the blades flew off because it was spinning so fast. Brandon was suitably scared, but the other two knew I was just making that up....my sons never gave me away, though.
9 years ago. Rating: 2 | |