    Do you remember playing games at birthday party's? What game was your favorite game to play?

    I looked forward to playing, Go Fish.  The children were given a fishing pole with a clothes pen attached to it (instead of a hook). The children would cast the line across a makeshift border or wall and an adult who was hiding on the other side would attach a small gift to the fishing line and when he/she yanked on the line it was time to reel in the gift.

    +8  Views: 724 Answers: 7 Posted: 9 years ago

    7 Answers

    ....eating ice cream.

    country bumpkin

    What was first prize, more ice cream! LOL

    One year my birthday "cake" was actually the Baskin Robbins "clown cones" and everyone got one of those. Not being afraid of clowns, everyone loved them and had fun eating them. :D

    We have done Dairy Queen Ice cream cakes. Big hit. :)

    What's better than Ice Cream!!!!


    Pin the tail on the donkey.


    country bumpkin

    I saw a funny picture about pin the tail on the donkey last week. If I can find it I'll put the link in here. Great game.

    CB and Ducky, the adult version is better, Adults Only, no kids allowed. :)

    We also had "pin the nose on the clown". I found the game in my parents' "effects"....very old and yellowed, but still in usable shape. I can't imagine anyone enjoying that nowadays, what with pinatas providing "instant" gratification.

    True enough Bob. Besides, the gang of kids would all be at some restaurant eating pizza, burgers, ice cream, cake and being entertained by Katy Perry. Mustn't spend less money than the neighbor kid spent on her birthday. lol

    My son threw a ridiculously expensive party when his first daughter turned one. NOW, their family goes out for pizza and calls it a day. Much saner.

    Ah? Spin the bottle?



    And the car key one too? Ha!
    country bumpkin

    Did you receive lots of kisses Clu. :)

    Sounds like Big Kids game.

    When I threw parties for my son I would have the kids bob for apples. So old fashioned but great fun. The kids who were raised "correctly" appreciated the apples....

    country bumpkin

    Bobbing for apples is a great party game even for adults to play.

    Pass the parcel, i enjoyed it as a kid, kids today still enjoy it.   :)

    country bumpkin

    I haven't heard of pass the parcel, how do you play?

    CB, a prize is wrapped up and taped in umpteen pages of sheets of newspaper, the kids stand in a circle and music is played, when it stops the child who has the parcel unwraps the first layer of newspaper, music plays again and the next layer is removed and so on till the lucky kid rips open the last sheet to win the prize, it is little like musical chairs, except the chairs can break when several kids dive for a chair, not recommended for adults as a chair made of wood definitely breaks, talking from experience. :)

    CB, Another game for the older kids is a memory game , say a dozen small articles are laid out on a table, the kids are given 30 seconds to memorise them then they write then down on a piece of paper how many they remember, also a great game for adults except the time is 10 seconds. :)
    country bumpkin

    Ha! Musical chairs came to mind before I was done reading your comment. This does sound like a fun game to play.
    country bumpkin

    The memory game reminds me of a card came we used to play when we were kids.

    I use to like kiss- chase,but my mates were always catching me,,

    country bumpkin

    LOL....You let them catch you on purpose! Kiss-Kiss!

    Like playing hide and seek, if you can't find me i am in the closet. :)

    I mostly remember the pin the tail on the donkey/nose on the clown, although I'm sure we played other games at my parties and at friends' parties
    It was very fun when my son had a small overnight birthday party and invited 3 friends.  With his brothers, Dad, and Mom, we took the kids to the elementary school 1/2 mile away (3 generations of my family attended this little country school) and played Frisbee football before heading back home for pizza, cake, movies, games, etc. etc. etc.  The game was so much fun for everyone.
    That night, I told the boys our ceiling fan started up all by itself and one time the blades flew off because it was spinning so fast.  Brandon was suitably scared, but the other two knew I was just making that sons never gave me away, though. 

    Image result for ceiling fan rotating

    country bumpkin

    Slumber parties are so much fun for the children and parents too. There is a fan in the guest bedroom at my grandfather's house and I swear one of these days it's going to take off in flight.

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