What do you find to be the biggest problem or the most difficult item to use while being left handed? Please explain.
I have given up on using potato peelers because the angle of the blade is made for right handers so it's impossible to remove the skin. My fingers cramp up when using scissors and box cutters become a lethal weapon in my hands.
13 Answers
....I do things right
....also, I try to do the right thing
9 years ago. Rating: 10 | |

I used to bat left or right-handed, and throw darts better as a leftie. My handwriting is challenged, but legible, and using flatware is easy.
My left-handed friends say one problem is sitting at a crowded dining table, and they take the left outside or right inside end so they don't bump the rightness next to them.
9 years ago. Rating: 10 | |

I ask to sit in the corner at a table to keep from bumping elbows with right handers too, so annoying for both.

I'm not a lefty but have a couple of left handed friends. They always look awkward to me. I want to say use the "right hand" and it will be easier for you. lol
9 years ago. Rating: 9 | |

Now I know why Roy asks me several times if I've got the package open yet or can he help me open the package. LOL
Left handed people are not evil! Remember, Everybody is born left handed, it's only after a person commits a sin that he or she becomes right handed. LOL

just be glad we don't live in the days when teachers made every child write right handed. And they would rap his knuckles or his hand with a ruler if he wrote left handed. In the 80s, my g. friend's father told her that's the way it was when he was a kid. She is left handed too.
9 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Me! Did anybody here have a teacher or teachers try to change you into writing right-handed? It was a fairly common practice "back in the day".
9 years ago. Rating: 9 | |

I use my left hand to hold a nail,,and hit it with a hammer held in my right hand,,
9 years ago. Rating: 9 | |

In the sporting world of cricket,,Left handed batsmen are harder to bowl to,,and left handed bowlers are harder to bat against,,left handed sportsmen are very oft-putting to right handed sportsmen,when competing against each other,,,being left handed has it's advantages and disadvantages,, i am right handed,but in boxing ,Axe work and brush hook work,,i am classed as two handed,,Here is something to help with Lefty's..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..http://www.anythinglefthanded.co.uk/
9 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
I was till my kindergarten teacher switched me to right hand. Mom was so pi$$ed but she found out to late. I'm basically amber dextrous now, but have terrible hand righting with both hands.
9 years ago. Rating: 8 | |

My cursive is plain and boring but legible, my writing is plain also but very neat. I want to say shame on your teacher but if you are good at using both hands this must be looked at as only a positive situation, I think. Gee, I think too much. LOL