6 Answers
Interesting time for you to ask this question because Roy and I have been watching American Crime Story, which is a five part series about the murders of Ronald Goldman and Nichole Brown Simpson.
Who in their right mind cares for racism! We all come from the same maker and must share this Earth together so we should all try to get along no matter the colour of our skin.
9 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Seems to me that the word "racist" is bandied about too much these days, funnily enough it also seems that it is the caucasian community who are normally the ones accused of it, some are, MOST aren't, they just keep their opinions to themselves, I personally have learned to be very aware of the things I say when in certain types of company, just in case I might offend, better to be safe than sorry, some people can be sensitive it seems, poor dears. I also believe in "Live and Let Live", as long as trouble like this keeps out of MY Life.
9 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
To me, when someone is racist, I think to myself that they must be an extremely unhappy person. People seriously need to start treating each other equally.
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
A cloak goes with the hood and the horse. I hope you had that dry cleaned as well.
Unbelievable. Where is my gigantic burning cross when I need it?
The most ironic thing is if my father had chosen Australia over Canada when the jobs were offered, I could have actually been your neighbour and fit into your specific criteria. ... Sick.
Racism? I find the older I get the more offended by it. I guess up until now I just kind of accepted it. After all, my mother was the one who "didn't want a picananie in the white house "....
9 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
I am glad you are looking at things a different way. God forgive that we were born pasty and pink. I imagine that is why historically speaking we get to be so darned mean.
Racism has no business in today's world. Or yesterday's. Or tomorrow's.
I've been the object of it; it's hurtful on levels you can't even begin to imagine.
9 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
... I am not saying another word.