10 Answers
Auto for city driving, on the open road it does'nt really matter auto or manual as the late models have 6- 8 gears for highway driving ( my wife and i took our car for a run to Melbourne aprox. 800 ks. my wife drove for a while to get a feel for the car, she was passing a car i looked down at the speedo and we were doing 160 ks, i told her it was a bit fast to be passing at least now i know i have the power if needed to pass safely and quickly and it is an Auto- Triptronic.
9 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Stick shift was great for when i was a hoon,,you could wind her out to peak revs before changing,,it was also handy if you had a dicky gear box or clutch,,you could pick your revs without chewing a tooth off your gears,,,also handy having a stick shift for sliding around dirt corners when being chased with a flashing light,,,,however now i am a good boy with a Auto transmission, that does not speed,slide or race anywhere..i just sit there and let the car do all the work...>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
9 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Automatic please.
I can manage a stick shift but not well. I grind the gears to much and I get stuck on the inclines. LOL, I borrowed my grandfather's stick shift several years ago and I had to yield to traffic while trying to enter the main loop. It was on an incline and I got stuck. There was also the time I borrowed my grandfather's truck to move furniture to Ft. Worth and blew the engine 3 hours into the trip, but I don't like talking about it. :(
9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |