    How do you teach someone to speak clearly?

    It's David again. Not only is he not doing rehab exercises, his speech is going to he*l in a hand basket. I tired of always harping.....

    +6  Views: 525 Answers: 6 Posted: 9 years ago

    6 Answers

    Sounds as though he is either playing games or giving up. Has he been to the doctors lately or been elvaluated by a psycologist? Maybe it's time for him to be institutionalized.


    No, he just needs a good kick in the whatever I can get away with posting here. If he goes away, I've lost a home and the $400 I've put into the yard

    I had to go to speech class when I was very young. They might have something like that.


    There are therapist for this, I'm just too cheap to pay for something achievable by one's self. By the by, I had three years of speech therapy for my "S's".....

    That's the same reason why I had speech classes

    ....what interests/motivates/rewards him ?

    ....use it.

    My daughter has her masters in speech therapy and I'm sure she is very good at it, but she is the only person I have trouble understanding, especially on the phone.

    You already know, but you won't follow through.
    If the man needs to be in therapy, put him in therapy.
    If you want him to respond, DON'T be at his beck without a CALL. 

    It sounds like you are willing to compromise yourself because you put some money into a back yard.  GET YOUR OWN PLACE BY YOURSELF AND TAKE CARE OF YOU.



    Because I put money into the yard? How about no rent or utilities plus favours owed, kindness returned and paying it forward? Give me some credit for cry-yi-yi.......

    you commented to witchway: No, he just needs a good kick in the whatever I can get away with posting here. If he goes away, I've lost a home and the $400 I've put into the yard
    you commented to JDB: There are therapist for this, I'm just too cheap to pay for something achievable by one's self. By the by, I had three years of speech therapy for my "S's".....
    What conclusion do you want me to draw?

    Given that everything of some nature comes out of David's account and I am the responsible party, I'm not going to pay for what he has no will to try at. Yes, he needs a kick but I'm tired. At least I have a yard to relax in and enjoy. Stop reading between my lines. You're getting tackier still.

    That was unnecessary, Julie, but I'll just consider the source and let it go.

    If he has an account that you draw on, then it is his money and you should use it on him.

    If you are a Pommie it is easy,,just take the plum out of his mouth,and presto,,real english ..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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