    What is your definition of a friend?

    Hard question. I have so many of different types, I can't pick one description.....

    +4  Views: 726 Answers: 8 Posted: 9 years ago

    8 Answers

    I believe a true friend is the person who will spill the beans and tell you what you need to know even though how much it hurts.

    Example: My son's dad (my second husband-the fed cop) left our house to meet up with a bunch of friends at a bar and got so drunk he could not drive home. My best (female) friend gave him a ride home and while she was driving to our house my husband kept sticking his hand up her skirt grabbing her you know what.    She could have kept this a secret because she knew how much this would hurt me but she knew telling me the truth was the best.

    ....tells me what I need to hear not what I want to hear



    ....will listen


    Someone called Julie,,

    A good friend will come down and bail you out at 1:00 in the morning but a true  friend will be sitting beside you saying damn that was fun.. :) 


    That is in reference to my younger days.. We never hurt anyone nor damaged anyone's property, but we could raise some he!! with those old 4by 4's.. The worst part was getting stuck and running out of beer..
    country bumpkin

    Great memories. :)

     A friend is someone who knows where your "buttons" are, but doesn't push them.


    I used to think i had a true friend when i was in my teens,,turns out i was wrong,,since then i prefer to see friends as acquaintances..expect the worst from them and it will never bother you..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<.. picture of a young casual man offering a friendly handshake while smiling for the camera. isolated on a white background - stock photo


    You look a fine upstanding young man Terry,,
    terryfossil 1

    Nothing like me Hec..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Oh, man! I want to hug you just to let you know I'm there and then sit back......

    It's learning to know the difference between a friend and a friendly acquaintance. Never expect someone to be more of a friend to you than you are to him.
    terryfossil 1

    Fair comment Bob,,i have not run into that friend yet,,but you never know,,,however coming up to 65,highly unlikely,,<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>..

    A true friend will stick by you through thick and thin and expect nothing in return. :)

    A friend is someone who likes you.

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