    Do you eat rhubarb?

    I only know what it is because the grocery store where I worked sold it. Can't find it fresh here nowadays. We planted some this evening. David claimed it was poisonous.....

    +6  Views: 566 Answers: 7 Posted: 9 years ago

    7 Answers

    We had a patch until my second wife died. She made the best strawberry-rhubarb pie. Gave the neighbor some plants when I dug it up.

    If you have not tried a Strawberry and Rhubarb Pie you should because it's delish.


    I love it , but I rarely eat it. It gives me terrible stomach pain.

    Yes we have a couple plants I like to eat it right from the garden but my mother-in-law makes a really good rhubarb pie.


    What part of the country are you in? North, south, west, east, central?

    Northwest ohio

    There is very little food i will not eat,,but this is one of them..""


    is that Blackberry in there with the Rhubarb Terry ?


    Looks good to me....

    We grow it so in the spring I make rhubarb custard pie and rhubarb sauce. Freeze some of the sauce for tastes in the winter! It comes up every spring and yes the leaves are poisonous! Also you have to pull the stalk from the ground then cut off the leaves.



    Thanks for the knowledge!

    Early spring rhubarb is best grown under an upturned dustbin to blanch the stems. After the early rhubarb, the stems can get a bit coarse and bitter.

    The Rhubarb Triangle is an area in Yorkshire where it is grown commercially in sheds in large quantities. In the spring you can hear the buds popping.

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