    Aussies: "How diverse is your suburb?"

    +5  Views: 917 Answers: 6 Posted: 9 years ago

    6 Answers

    One of the diversest.Lebanese,Canadians,new Zealanders (Maori),Chinese,Dutch,Scottish.Austrian,Polish.I'm the resident Aussie.


    Greeks too. :)
    terryfossil 1

    Tom.??your the only Aussie in your suburb,,?????

    No.Just kidding.

    Thanks Clonge, i punched up my suburb,,on your link...i am a very dissappointed Aussie,,And the figures below show why i am not a fan of Diversity,,should we ever go to war with any country in the world,how many in this list would be friends of an Aussie..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Buderim has 116 ancestries ..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..



    So what are you saying Terry??you want me to move to Aussie Land,,?????
    terryfossil 1

    You would do alright in Aussie Hec,,,you might have to brush up on the difference in size of our countries..Read this it may help you is only a small read..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Terry, could you edit out the stats, please. Your comment is all I need.
    terryfossil 1

    @Bob,,it is a bit large isn't it?,,not sure i know how,,but i will give it a shot..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Thank you verrrry much!

    Very, i sometimes feel i am in India, lebenon, Kenya, Guarna, Syria, Vietnam, Cambodia, China, Canada, US and god knows who else, i is like find Wally, except in this case, find an Aussie.  :)

    terryfossil 1

    That is my point Kent,,there is something wrong if in your own country you become the minority..wrong,wrong,wrong...>>>>>>><<<<<<<..
    terryfossil 1

    @fish,first of all,you owe BM an apology for your rant on racism,he was not being racist,,and i will accept an apology on"ticking you off on religion" considering You are the only person to mention religion on Clonge's for your claim of trying hard "not to write a word".you have not even noticed i have not commented,tu,posted,or answered anything to do with you,,you are as opinionated as i am,however i am able to "agree to disagree",and leave it at that,,but not you,it is "your way or the highway" keep your little snide snippets you keep throwing at me to yourself,,or NOT,i do not care for i will not be Commenting,debating or answering anything from you again..Not always nice talking to you..however,have a nice day..

    I've always been a minority in my neighborhood, city, state, and nation. Some people think I'm not Caucasian and every government form offers me no other option but "other".

    My city is widely diverse, with over 100 native languages being spoken. What is unfortunate is the people who think, and act, as though the melting pot isn't good enough for them and they must continue to set themselves apart in a confrontational manner, demanding special concessions. 

    All I can say is.......You name it, we got it.

    terryfossil 1

    Do you see that as good or bad Pyth..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I don't judge.There are good and bad in all.
    terryfossil 1

    I did not say judge Pyth,,but you must have an opinion,,most of us have one..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    That is my opinion.
    terryfossil 1

    Okay,do you think some assimilate better than others..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Based on my two previous neighbors one being a Muslim family and the other from Uruguay.The Muslims do not celebrate our Christmas, but this Muslim family went out of their way over the years to give us 8 neighbors a Christmas card and small gifts.The woman from Uruguay attended English speaking classes.I'd like to think the majority assimilate and so they should, they have come to the lucky country.
    terryfossil 1

    You got a couple of good neighbors there is a pity we do not hear a lot more stories like that..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Surely, if someone calls himself an Aussie he should at least have a proportion of aboriginal blood?

    terryfossil 1

    Not true Nom,,there are some races that go through the ceremony to become dinky di Aussies,,but there are some races that do not accept our ways,and even try to change it to their ways from the country they left...>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<Having said that,i can also say i am of Aboriginal Heritage and i do believe in the Australian Flag..

    Sounds a bit like Orwell's Animal Farm- 'All animals are equal but some are more equal than others'.

    In that case can i chicken out then??

    To quote Animal Farm again 'Two legs good, four legs bad', so it looks like you are OK Hec.

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