    How spicy do you like your food?

    Just heated up some packaged food and no one could eat it. ..

    +6  Views: 547 Answers: 8 Posted: 9 years ago

    8 Answers

    Hot enough to still think my tongue is still there, CB likes it hotter, we won't discuss this here though, I'm talking FOOD!



    Yep, no cilantro either.............

    I love love love love spicy food.

    Jalapeno peppers, Habanero peppers, Scotch Bonnets,  Chili flakes, Cayenne pepper, Hot salsa, Fire sauce, Vindaloo, Bentley,  Three Mile Island and Suicide chicken wings, Horseradish, Wasabi etc.  This only scratches the service, as you can see, I'm a spicy food connoisseur.

    I made a homemade pot of chili several weeks ago but Roy could not eat it. I'm trying to tone the heat down on the food but it's  hard to do because I can't grasp the big gap between what Roy considers spicy and what I don't.


    And neither of us have EVER had a deep fried Mars Bar!

    Romos, try drinking coffee through a Mars Bar.
    country bumpkin

    Mars Bar added to the list of must try.

    don't like my food spicy at all !!  - - b/c it burns my tongue and the roof of my mouth !!  I don't see how people could eat spicy foods . Doesn't it hurt ?

    I like it hot enough to tingle my lips when i have my coffee, if it is too spicy i get the hiccups.  :)

    As hot as you like kid,if you are making it,,


    I am a simple man who likes simple food..""


    Looks like a Gourmay lunch to me ,,
    terryfossil 1

    Needs a bit more salt Hec..>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

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