12 Answers
A bit too flashy for me.
9 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
Just imagine relaxing into that Italian leather with all that power at your feet, and it even talks to you, no need for any other company, JUST IMAGINE!!
I really meant SOFT Italian leather.
I really meant SOFT Italian leather.
Yeah....and all the rev heads challenging me & cutting me off down the M1.The trouble over here Roy is the cars have all the capabilities these day.The drivers don't.They can buy something like a Subaru WRX with little driving experience & go out there & create havoc.I'll stick to my little VW Polo & my old Mazda pickup They're flash enough for me.
9 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Not even if you could afford it?
I'm not a car freak, but this is classy, and I I said, looks nice outside my wee Monte Carlo apartment.
I'm not a car freak, but this is classy, and I I said, looks nice outside my wee Monte Carlo apartment.

No, not even outside of my Monte Carlo apartment. I wouldn't spend that much money on a car under any circumstance. Now, a beautiful home on the water, with a guest house, pool, etc.....

These two look like they could be brother and sister.....note the hair and the dancing style! lol
This is more my style ROMOS!!
9 years ago. Rating: 8 | |

LOL.... I thought about putting this as my answer, but I require a little more room, only a Sasquatch foot or so. :)
You would need a petrol tanker following , flat out the Bugatti fuel tank is empty after 6 minutes, fantastic documentary ( megafactories) watch it if you can.
9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Come on Romos, where would you drive this rocket in Scotland, especially after a good snow, althou it would not take long to get to London on the m1, coppers certainly would not be able to keep up, a blur on a speed camera.
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