    Who has seen Crapys latest film,??and will he win an award tonight??

    +2  Views: 2111 Answers: 4 Posted: 9 years ago

    Yes he did , Oscar for best Actor, i was watching it live, it was good to see Leo get his Oscar, if you get a chance listen to his speech, you may learn something. :)

    If this is climate change, bring more of it !

    At least there is one person in the US who believes there is a climate change unfolding. :)
    terryfossil 1

    Climate change,????how would he know,he is a better actor than Al Gore,,Al Gore is still waiting for his Oscar..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Terry, you don't have to be an actor, just an open mind.

    I didn't need, nor want, Leonardo inserting political commentary into an acceptance speech for acting.
    terryfossil 1

    Hey Kent,,The simple words "climate change",is not enough,,everyone knows the climate changes up and down every year,,but the debate is,,"does man cause it to change more than it usually does",,,and there lies the problem old mate..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Ahh...Hollywood celebrities....they are all knowing and so very wise....just ask them. They think they are experts on every topic and love to let everyone know about it!

    Ducky, what leonardo was actually saying, do not take the planet for granted.

    Kent, it is not what he said, it is the fact that he said it at all. This was an awards show, not a political or environmental conference.

    MsBob, i watch the awards every year, grammys, bafter etc.. nearly always there is one who will make a political statement, this year at Academy Awards it was 'Diversity', which i thought personally was a load of crap, if you are not nominated by your peers, it is too bad, just one more thing , actually this would make a good posting, The American Blacks call themselves Afro Americans, which i see is contradictory, if they were born in the USA, they are Americans just like you, if they were born in Africa , obtain their citizenship then they could be called Afro. Americans, their children born in US are Americans, almost like racism in reverse. PLease don't hate me it is only how i see perceive things. :)

    Oh, I completely agree about US born people who have to segregate themselves by race or faith (for example).
    I've not seen Divergent, either. I still haven't seen South Paw, which stars my favorite you actor, Jake Gyllenhal

    4 Answers

    I haven't seen Revenant and, from the clips on Oscar night, I'm not interested.  As far as global warming, it had no place in an award speech for acting. I'm dismayed there were so many  black actors who pouted because others were recognized. The movie industry is a free enterprise still, isn't it? Or are they forced to diversify, no matter what? Bravo to all those of any race or creed who came to support the industry in general and not one special interest group who screams "Foul" and continues to see themselves as different and persecuted, needing concessions and special acknowledgment, just because...


    It doesn't interest me in the least. I spoke with two women who did see it. One said she loved it...the other described it as "a blood and guts movie". Eeeww...

    I don't find blood and guts to be entertaining Just saw Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (is that the right order?) and it was not a comedy in any sense of the word, I was tense through the whole thing, just waiting for something awful to happen, which it did, anti-climatically.

    Remember girls/women, you cannot condem a film if you hav'nt seen it, my wife was the same as you, she dislike the violence but overall she said it was a brilliant film, watch it on dvd an you can fast forward over the bits you don't like, the scenery alone was magnificent, i think it was filmed in Canada. :)

    I gather you don't like Leonardo,Hec ----- i have seen his latest film, Revenant, he will definitely get best actor Oscar, if he dosn't there is something wrong and it has nothing to do with Diversity.


    No have not seen it yet kent,but yea i think he is over rated,,I think his best film was the one when he was in a bar in Algears and says to Hogy Carmichael playing the piano with his lips curl back Play it again Sam,,
    terryfossil 1

    G'day Kent,,i do not understand this diversity stuff,,if a black person does not get nominated,doesn't that mean they got beaten by others in better movies,,there have been 44 african americans to be nominated,,and 12 have won acadamy awards,some more than once,,so what they are saying" i am black and i should win",Crap,if they wanna win,they should act better or get into better movies......

    All the good parts are written by white men/women for white men/women, it's a white thing, I hear Roots has been updated, some good parts in that for someone.
    terryfossil 1

    Okay Roy,,so they do a remake of Shirley Temple,and get a black kid to play the part,,you reckon that would work..

    Natural curls.

    I'm looking forward to seeing that one.I think he's a fine actor & underestimated.

    Romos, in the new version of 'Roots all the slaves are white, they could not find any coloured actors who were good enough for the parts. lol.

    The academy is only going to vote for someone or  some movie  that was in a big hit at the box office.So, what's with this lack of diversity thing. ? It's all about the bottom line- -   $ $ $ $


    Actually, those movies weren't all big moneymakers. Most of us probably never even heard of "Room", for example, and Best Actress starred in that. It's not the $$$ that influences Oscar.

    Divergent was okay Bob,however i did like Southpaw,,but i am pro boxing movies..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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