The Rodeo is one of the most popular events held in (southern) USA. If you could take part in the Rodeo what event would you like to participate in and why.
Some examples are:
Saddle bronc riding
Barrel racing
Team roping
Calf scrambles
Bareback riding
Steer wrestling
Mutton busting
Extreme bulls
Team roping
Tie down roping
...and of course we can't forget the funny clowns.
If I were still a young kid, I would like to try Mutton Busting. Oh, how brave I would be.
4 Answers
Calf-roping would be my event, because I would get to ride a horse, have the precision challenge of roping the calf, and the struggle to get it all wrapped up as quickly as possible.
(Uhm, maybe forget the part about jumping from the horse and throwing the calf to the ground)
9 years ago. Rating: 5 | |

Not sure if calf scrambling is what you call it..Back when i was about 13 years old,we used to go down the back of a trotting farm,,there were about a half dozen half grown bulls there,,we used to cut one out and try riding him,,nobody stayed longer than 3 seconds,,,i got between one of them and a gate,there was a 1 foot chain between the gate and post,,and he was going through it no matter who was in his way,,that was me,his little horns grazed me in the right side,i went down and he smashed through the gate,,
9 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
We have a Rodeo here in SA at , i personally don;t like them , bloody dusty and animal cruelty, The horses and bulls have no choice but to buck, you would too if you had a strap across your genetalia.
9 years ago. Rating: 3 | |

The carnival and crafts fair accompanies the rodeo each year where I grew up. The two of them were my my favorite events to attend.