    Doodlebug Doodlebug, come out of your hole. If you don't, I'll beat you black as a mole.

    When you were a kid did you like to play with bugs and insects? What bug or insect did you like to play with and what did you do with it?

     When I was a kid my two aunts and I liked to take a twig and swirl it around in a doodlebug den while repeating, doodlebug doodlebug, come out come out, your house is on fire!  When the doodlebug came up to the service we usually picked it up and let it call around on her hands.

      There was a huge red ant bed near the end of the sidewalk in our front yard and my youngest aunt (she's only 4 years older than me) and I used to pick them up and hold them between our fingers and pretend like they were cars. We got stung a few times but rarely. We also liked to mess with the roly polys so they would roll up into a ball and then we would roll them on the cement to see who could roll the roly poly the furthest.


    +5  Views: 1321 Answers: 5 Posted: 9 years ago

    5 Answers

    We had proper toys as kids.This is Australia.We don't have bugs out here.

    terryfossil 1

    We don't Tom,,??????
    country bumpkin

    What do they taste like?

    Moreton Bay bugs are the most delicious seafood you will ever eat.Kinda like lobster only better.
    country bumpkin

    I love Lobster so I know I would these too. Yummy!

    I like lightening bugs and butterflies! I once left a light on for a praying mantis so it would be easier for him to catch icky bugs!

    I like to watch ants carry things to their home! They are very strong!


    country bumpkin

    LOL LOL LOL...... Roy and I watched a show earlier tonight that showed a praying Mantis reacting to being sprayed by a beetle when the mantis was trying to eat it. Very interesting!
    My mom had one of her husbands build her a very large insect house (approx 2 foot by 3 foot) that she kept a female and male Praying Mantis inside just long enough to watch them mate and observe the female biting off the males head after they finished mating. It was so neat to watch, but a little sad too.

    Some ladies think men are good for one thing! Not me, btw!

    I'm shaking........................
    DON'T ASK!

    ....I came home from elementary school one afternoon with a ladybug on my shoulder. My mom told me it was a sign of good luck.

    country bumpkin

    Did you eat it? LOL

    ....trying to "bug" me ?

    This question is "out there"!  Bugs were never a source of playtime . As an adult, though, I love to see a big earthworm when I am planting flowers in my front yard.


    Image result for earthworm photos

    country bumpkin


    Seeing an earthworm excites me too. They are a little creepy but not scary. Do you find yourself wanting to save them when it rains to much and they wash up in a water puddle?

    Absolutely, and it gets so dry here, they are crispy if they end up on the pavement or driveway.
    One rainy day years ago, I was driving a not-quite-two-lane country road to a friend's. The road was absolutely littered with frogs for a half mile stretch. Weaving in an out of frogs, I was happy no car was coming from the opposite direction! I hate when I hit anyone while driving; that student at college included.

    Check them all out here PKB, it inspired this question, I think....
    Hope you can get this.
    country bumpkin

    LMAO.... Yes honey, you are correct.

    A friend of mine from work got mad at Robins in her veggie garden! She said they were eating the earth worms that we all know keep earth healthy!
    country bumpkin

    LOL Clu, was this one of those moments when you had to try to keep a straight face and not laugh?

    Looks a bit like our Moreton Bay Bug,,Ours is okay to eat..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..""

    country bumpkin

    That's one creepy lookin' critter.
    terryfossil 1

    But finger licking good CB,,>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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