    What would you have done?

    A couple years ago, a "friend" of 10+ years made a very snide remark about my dad, who has been dead since 2001, and she never met. When I left her home shortly after, I vowed not to speak to her again. She called the next day; I did not return the call and didn't hear from her again, either.
    Two days ago, I was at "the casino", losing money and visiting with the woman at the next slot machine. Who should appear to speak to her also but my ex-associate. Face to face.

    What would you do?

    +6  Views: 1491 Answers: 5 Posted: 9 years ago
    Tags: friendship

    5 Answers

    ....treat her like you want to be treated.


    This is the definitive answer. I actually may have done exactly that....I'm not sure.

    I think I would smile and say hello and leave it at that.   I don't think I would feel the need to mention to her why I didn't return her phone call so many years ago and I'm sure she figured out on her own.  If she were to ask me why I stopped speaking to her, I would let her know and give her the opportunity to apologize.

    I would tell her why you stopped talking to her, She might be dense enough to not even realize what she did. Maybe even ask her why she said if  she never met your father. You have been hurt all these years and she might be wondering all these years. Time to bury the hatchet, get some answers, and move on with or without her as a friend.


    She definitely knows, having spent years bragging about how hard she works for everything she has and me patting her on the back and biting my tongue. Dissing my father was the last straw. I don't miss her negativity one bit.

    I would just say "Hi, how are you"? Let the conversation flow from there...or not.

    I wouldn't  give her the time of day, she doesn't  sound like a friend you need to me.


    I know she saw me, and knows I saw her. We ignored each other. She is not a quality person I look for in a friend, and should have kept a distance from the beginning, but I am sympathetic to people who are sad, and she was very sad, her second husband having been not only a cheater and a leach, but a secret (and extremely unattractive) cross-dresser as well. She needed a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear to whine at. Never heard her say a nice word about anybody. Thrives on negativity. I'm glad I didn't sound off on her back then, as she would have never recovered.

    Better off without her......

    MsBob, i agree with Sunny and Romos, give her the flick, i would not have her as a friend, you deserve better. :)

    I agree, too. It was bound to happen one day, and it's nice to have it over.

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