    The reason why I don't watch television .... Completely by accident.

    I have a flu and so, I think I can get caught up on everything my husband has recorded for me. 

    ... I can't figure out the clicker as much as I would like to.  


    .... I only seem to find Netflix.  


    .... The 'instructional package' does not come with a magnifying glass. 

    I am becoming aged and TV ticks me off!  :D. This is  other  seem so much better. 

    (I am typing this on my phone ... I have a sort of like-dislike relationship with techie-land) ... More dislike. 

    +6  Views: 464 Answers: 4 Posted: 9 years ago
    Tags: poopy

    Any mistakes while writing are because zee flipping cell phone is not a complete science.

    4 Answers

    Sorry to hear you have the flu, Kay.  It must be going around because Roy's son and a friend of ours has had the flu for the past week.  When someone is sick it does seem to be the most opportune time to catch up on watching recorded tv shows, watching  homemade videos, glancing through old photo albums etc.... Enjoy and get well soon.


    We go back and forth here with cable providers depending on who is offering the best deal.
    This time it's Telus and I can barely figure out how to turn the television on. ... It really doesn't matter. I only wanted to catch up on Grey's Anatomy.
    I can't for the life of me figure out why everything electronic had to become complicated.

    And your problem seems to be what?


    I can't figure out the clicker when I finally have time.
    You could at least send a few fleas over to read the instructions and fix the problem .... You are the King.
    The only thing I can watch is a program on how to make medieval weapons in modern time. .... Yay!

    See if you can find a service that has "On Demand".  It is so simple (how simple is it?)  I figured it out all by myself.   

    Image result for dumb guy watching tv       (just a cool picture)


    I actually found 'On Demand'. The idiotic thing is that costs money for what we have recorded.
    It gets better.... Hours after I posted my pathetic-ness and sort of watching a very boring movie with Blyth Danner, Grey's Anatomy suddenly kicks in.

    I completely give up on TV.

    Yes, some things cost, but a current season of GA should be free.

    Six days of the cold/flu from Satan Land and I have completely given up on my cable service. I decided to read cookbooks instead.
    It is less expensive and little notices about how I am going past pre-payed services don't pop up.

    ... Call me done.

    Aren't we sposta call you FISH-O?

    Ha ha! That is the one I am stuck with!

    I remember the flu. We all had it. I was about 8 or 9. My brother threw up in the bathroom sink. It wasn't fun. How can you concentrate on anything more complicated than sipping tea? I'm glad I had my shot....


    I have a six year old and six year olds bring all sorts into the house. I can tell you, shots don't cut it.

    Anyway, the very reason I don't watch television is because the entire exercise has become far too complicated.

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