5 Answers
If I got rid of everything that I keep for "sentimental reasons", I would have an empty garage and two bedrooms with nothing in them. Aside from being a pack rat, I am hugely sentimental. Probably the biggest offense is saving EVERYTHING my sons did in school from PRESCHOOL THROUGH SIXTH GRADE.
I can't say I don't LIKE some of the stuff, but if it were to disappear without my knowing it, I wouldn't be upset.
9 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Apart from my Teddy Bear which i got at 1 years of age, every thing i think is new, American Indian Dolls, more Teddy Bears, books, Fake flowers, souvenirs of all the places we have been, photos galore of the Grand Kids, racks of cd's and dvd's, those blasted tea candles which seems to be in vogue, it looks like a brick a brac shop, i hate it i like things simple and this only the lounge. :)
9 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
I am in my pea sized office and looking at all sorts of things that I feel, 'what the heck?', about.
You mean something other than James? I have "Puppy" the search and rescue dog that James brought to me after his first time to call EMS for me. I have slept with Puppy for nearly 14 years but now he's just kind of taking up space. He's wearing a gold chain so gotta keep him.....
9 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
I have an old cake stand my grandmother passed along to me before she died. It's not my style and I think I've used it twice, but I won't part with it because of the sentimental value.
This looks just like the cake stand I have.
9 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
I really liked my old and very loud lap top.
....yes, all the junk we have like my bronze statutes collected over the years and my wife's tennis trophies.
9 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
(Sorry, I have never seen a beautiful trophy and that includes The Stanley Cup).
It is not as if anyone else cares .... at all.