    Do you still speak to your ex?

    I will and sometimes do, it's been 40 years and that's a long time to hold a grudge. Of course James thinks we've gotten something going on).....

    +8  Views: 706 Answers: 11 Posted: 8 years ago

    I don't know what you could have going on. You're in Austin, and he's on an I-S-L-A-N-D! LOL!

    11 Answers

    My first  ex husband and I remained friends after we divorced and we stayed in contact off and  on through the years, he died a year ago this February.

    My second ex husband and I have nothing to do with each other unless something comes up with our son that we feel the other should know about.

    ....fortunately, no ex.

    ....occasionally, we won't speak.

    ....then she realizes what she has !

    We are always cordial when our paths cross, but don't maintain regular needed only.

    No, he passed away last year.

    This may sound a bit stupid,,but i am happy to say i do not yet have an ex,,and not hoping to have an ex..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..""


    You look smart in your Tailor made suit Terry,,
    terryfossil 1

    No way Hec, wore one to my wedding 30 odd years ago,,that was the last time i wore one,,maybe i will wear one to my funeral..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Not if i can help it. (:


    Buy her a bunch of flowers Kent after all its Mothers day today i think??

    I haven't spoken to mine for over 20 years and she does not speak to her children or grandchildren. In fact she speaks to nobody, never goes out as she has agoraphobia and has all her provisions delivered.


    It sounds sad from her aspects Norm,,

    True Hec, but if she won't speak to anyone what can we do?

    Wot Ex? Ex girlfriend? That relationship would be 50 years old by now. I  have a few ex employees.They don't talk much anymore.

    I only speak to my ex when she is sober ........ hence we never speak.

    terryfossil 1

    Maybe she needs some help Flip..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    @Terry: Been there ..... tried that.



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