    Ever paid a fine?

    Oh, yes. Every time I'm late with the electric bill. A lot.....

    +5  Views: 807 Answers: 9 Posted: 8 years ago

    9 Answers

    I had to pay one for running through a red light, but I didn't intentionally do it. I had an argument with the ex so I was upset blabbing to my friend about it and wasn't paying attention.

    Yes, two speeding tickets, both on my way to work! One was in an area where you come in off a highway and must slow waaaaaay down, immediately! I didn't.   :)

    Quite a few speeding fines in my teens when i young and stupid now i'm old and stupid.


    I say Armen to that Ted,,

    If I had all that money returned for some unknown reason, I could remodel my kitchen.  Had a bad driving record as a youngster, some late payments, "failure to appear" for jury duty (and I had sent a letter well in advance that I was out of town), and one for catching a fish (a 20 pound salmon) too close to the mouth of the Klamath friend's stepfather actually gave me the money to pay that fine because "It was worth it to watch you land that beauty".  :D
    See these guys?  They have to keep a certain distance from the mouth of the river where it meets the ocean.

    Image result for Photo of Dad's Camp at Klamath River

    ....two : 1) a rolling stop and 2) speeding

    ....happened years ago.


    Personally, I see nothing wrong with "rolling stops". Aren't they better than "racing throughs"?

    "Rolling stops" is just one of the many minor infractions police use to fund their operations.

    Lost count years ago.


    Shame on you!!!

    Haha! We were all young once.

    Now you're mature, right? :)

    Got a 90€ fine for 5kph over 50kph limit last month from an un-marked  police car. Sneaky!

    At least three speeding tickets, monetary settlement of court martial in the military, couple late payments on credit cards, court ordered settlement because I was a "bad boy", and a settlement of a bill which I had trusted my son to pay. Probably more that my aging brain has forgotten about.

    If paying for a traffic ticket or speeding ticket or for not having the current tab on my license plate  is a fine, then yes, I've had them .

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