    Have you ever broken a bone and if so, how and which one?

    A few scrapes and sprains but never broken through.....

    +6  Views: 564 Answers: 8 Posted: 9 years ago

    8 Answers

    When I was seven I broke my wrist trying to roller skate across a 2 by 4.  I think it was my right wrist, but I don't remember.

    Softball practice, fielding a ground ball, I stepped on my mitt (I was holding it so close to the ground as I moved to field the ball) and plunged forward. My hand came out of the mitt and I tried to break the fall with my hands. My fingers rolled backwards,though, all 4 fingers breaking below the second knuckle.  1988

    No.So far so good.

    Yep,ribs,nose and jaw..Ribs-father threw me against a tree, 5 or 6 year old,,nose-step father smashed the car,10 or 11 year old.jaw-cricket ball,3 breaks and wired up for 8 weeks,about 35 years old,,>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    Ribs-father does not sound a very nice man,,,
    terryfossil 1

    Do not know Hec,us 3 kids were put in a home, he came to visit when i was about 8 years old,he said he was gonna come back and get us,,i guess he had more important things to do,cause i never seen him takes a while to get over stuff like that,but you do sorta get over it..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    You've come through quite a bit most of us can't even imagine, terry. I think I know how.

    ....fortunately, no.


    Never a broken bone Ben? That's rare.

    Jeez! Lost count on this one too! :)

    Ankle bone playing basketball while in the military. Rib two winters ago falling on ice. 

    Here is a weird answer. I went to an iridologist. A person took picture of iris of eye. Every time an injury occurs to your body, the iris basically records it. The person told me I had a broken lower left leg by my ankle when I was young. That's True, also told me I had a broken left arm when young as well. True as well. Look into this , its fascinating.


    I've heard of it in the past, a long time ago. It fascinated me then and you have peaked my interest again.....

    That is really incredible. I wonder how somebody came upon that discovery....very "out there".

    Not really. I believe it was a Chinese practice long before tea leaves. For real, I can't believe it's slipped my mind. I used to own a book on Unorthodox Medicine. There was chapter on iris reading in it......

    It is incredible and , by Western standards, "weird", certainly unusual at the very least!

    Of course its strange, I knew about it and did it.

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