    I feel like all of my friends have turned on me??

    Ive been depressed since around 4 months ago and during the whole thing i tell my friends, after a while none of them help anymore, they used to always help and ive known them for 1-2 years, i feel as if they just got sick of me all at once. They still talk, but any time i rant, even not to them but in my status, not a single word. i dont want to confront them directly about this because they could get mad

    +3  Views: 1528 Answers: 10 Posted: 9 years ago

    10 Answers

    Sorry you feel this way, and hope you feel better soon. Hang in there! I wouldn't consider them to be "true friends". "True friends" are "there for you" in good times as well as bad.

    Have your friends given you good advice in the past, but you continue to ignore their suggestions so they don't know what else to say to you.

    My advice is to make an appointment with your doctor so he can prescribe you some antidepressants and seek a professional counselor to talk to if you think it will help.

    Good luck to you.

    If they are true friends they will not leave you,,xxw,,,




    Maybe your friends don't mean it when they appear not to support you. Everyone is just caught up in their own issues. Life is just too busy for everyone now.

    To xxw - - - Try showing an interest in your friends.........For example- - - -ask them how the play they're in is working out ; or how their new dog is doing.Treat each one like they're special. Offer to help them with a project, etc. I guarantee you, they will be calling you and want to hang out with you .

    ....sounds as if you have acquaintances not true friends.

    You have been given a lot of good advice. Not everyone wants to keep hearing the rant. Four months is time to start dealing with your anger and hurt and stop ranting. See a counselor, who may recommend an anti-depressant, and focus on your friends instead of yourself. Get involved in something to distract yourself from your issue....learn to speak Portuguese! 

    They may feel you don't care about them if you are obsessed with yourself.  (Speaking from experience)

    Oh, sweetheart, they haven't forgotten you. You are depressed and in that state of mind, it just FEELS like you're all alone. Depression is an evil disorder and can distort your personal views. Even though you feel you don't deserve it and feel unworthy, you are loved beyond measure. See a doc for medication and if it doesn't work, see another doc. And another and another , you'll find the right mix. Until then you'll feel better about yourself for trying. It took me 29 years to find the right mix and I can honestly say I'm happy.....

    Your depressed feeling could be a hormonal change and imbalance. Friends and people you know can and do sense a change that could make them feel uncomfortable or uneasy being around you. Go get it checked out. Don't be afraid if you get put on anti depressant drugs. If doctor prescribes it, you will feel better. Go ahead. Your definitely not alone. More people are on anti depressant drugs than you know.

     duplicate answer. sorry


    Ile let it go this time,,

    That's a huge relief

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