We started in an old farm house that sat empty for 30 years. Ya it was gonna need some work. Our first few winters we had a kerosene heater in the kitchen and one in the bathroom. Many frozen pipes and the well also would freeze the first couple years. No money to speak of. We scratched and saved through the years and finally built a new home, had our surprise little girl and now we aren't doing to bad.. Not rich by any means but not going paycheck to paycheck. She still does keep me in check though.

8 Answers
My first husband and I had only known each other for 2 weeks when we eloped so we hadn't made any plans. C's mother owned a rent house and let us live there for a few months until we both got jobs working for a retired oilfield couple who owned 4 houses at the lake. We were permitted to live in one of the houses rent free as long as we worked for them.
Three years later we quit our jobs and moved to Florida for him to attend a year at MMI because we were ready to improve our lives and stand on our own two feet. The first few months in Florida were great, but C became friends with a guy in class who introduced him to crack cocaine. C began skipping his night classes to look for drugs and our marriage and future plans to buy our own house and have children were placed on the back burner.
We both left Florida a year later to move back to Texas, he drove back home and I flew back home.
End of story.
9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
got thrown up to north Queensland to live with Grandfather at the back of a cane field in a tin humpy,,became a cane cutter,up at sunup and down at sundown,,that was the start of 18 years of booze,drugs,institutions,hospitals,age 33 married wife,i then began living a true life,i now own my home and car and have no debts,,,certainly not rich in money,but not on the bones of my bum either..when i retired i bought my new car..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
9 years ago. Rating: 4 | |