    Rolling Stones: Ron Wood (68) is expecting twins with wife (37). My question is...

    At what age should a man stop producing babies and why?

    +9  Views: 911 Answers: 6 Posted: 9 years ago

    6 Answers

    My ex-husband was 42 when our youngest son was born, making him 50 when the child was 8.  I always hoped he would teach his sons to play baseball, football, take them fishing, and show them how to change a tire and oil....guy stuff.  Either he was too old already for ANY of that, or he just didn't know how to DO any of that.  My sons throw like girls, as I've said before.
    A man should stop fathering children when he can't see himself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually "stepping up to the plate" for those kids through every stage of their lives.  Personally, I think 68 is about 10-15 years past the "late prime time" for fatherhood. 

    The present "Mrs Wood" has thought about this in a serious way, her kids will be well looked after, I hope they will contribute into the future of society that I may no longer be involved in.


    ....depends on love, maturity,responsibility and quality vs. quantity.


    and overall health. It's hard to bring up children with a partner who has health problems that can take time and resources from the family. :(

    If you still got it, use it, 68 is getting on a bit to have children, but why not, at least he can still have some quality time and love for his twins, Good on ta Ronnie.  :)

    I think Chaarlie Chaplin was in his eighties when he fathered his last child.

    I can't throw stones. Yeah, too old to raise a kid to maturity but never too old to love and nurture. Sure, there won't be a daddy in the future wings but if the child is raised with security, this will be just another fact of life. I do hope Ron will be around for a while. And God bless Mrs Ron for sleeping with him still.....

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