    Your views please on this important Issue

    APPLE HAVE REFUSE TO HELP THE F.B.I.  ULOCK A SUSPECTED TERRORIST IPHONE.   Do you think they should in the name of national security or is it an invasion of privacy. The F.B.I. assured Apple it will be an only one off, Apple said they have spent over a decade to make iphones as secured as possible, Apple feel the security of their phones will be compromised.

    +9  Views: 706 Answers: 6 Posted: 9 years ago

    6 Answers

    I plead the 4th.

      The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. 

    Image result for "can of worms"

    Apple should be able to work something out to satisfy everyone's demands without compromising their business  and peoples privacy.

    Apple will see sense once Trumpy ,gets elected Kent,,


    If trump gets elected, Apple will most likely move to Canada. :)

    bulletman i am happy you asked this very important question. my next door neighborhood is from turkey. she is beautiful and oh so nice. she cooks great food and has brought some to me several times over the one year she has lived next door. now as we know thousands upon thousands are running away from areas like seria and turkey, going to sweden and greece. some of those countries are starting to ban their arrival. what are all these fine people going to do.  the u.s. does not take that many immigrants. many people from south america are trying to escape violence from drug cartels. they are killing journalist, college students, anybody they feel like when they feel like. america is one of the securest places on the planet. that's why everyone is trying to come to america. now, and a big now, anything that we can do to get information about warriors that are against this country, we need to do, and do it now.  tim cook of apple needs to unlock that phone and do it now.


    You have a point. Tabber, Apple themselves can unlock the phone then pass it on to the F.B.I., the other problem there is it sets a president, can your F.B.I. be trusted, as MsBob also pointed out the 4th amendment -- ( shall not be violated) it seems to me a no win situation--- see what happens.

    bulletman many great and not so great civilizations have fallen. many people out here are hoping and praying and helping us to fall, so let's keep being, "i don't know what to do" state of mind. many are excited and love seeing us americans arguing a simple point. we should remember "survival is the first law of nature." oh you touched a nerve. lol
    terryfossil 1

    Tabber,maybe if the UN all the countries of the world to ban together and go blow isis off the face of the world,,then maybe these people will not have to leave their countries unless some of these people leaving these countries are actually ISIS..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    ....does Apple employ the only people who can be trusted in the nation/world ?

    ....can't a chain of custody be established at Apple for the technical fix and the communication to the authorities to protect privacy ?

    ....opinion: if they are responsible for part of the problem, they should be responsible to provide their part for the solution.

    ....privacy over protection ?


    Ben, you asked has Apple only have trusted people ___________, i think that may be so, as it is unlikely you will get a virus on an Apple, most virus's come from the progammer themselves with microsoft, as a back door is created. (in my Opinion)

    My phone is my business though a kindergartener can open it. I believe the FBI should count this as a loss no matter where the phone came from. It's one of the perks being American.....

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