    Will you be as sorry to see Obama leave office?

    +4  Views: 2029 Answers: 8 Posted: 9 years ago

    from Facebook
    If Obama has accomplished a single thing in his presidency he has raised the bar of presidential incompetence to the point that Jimmy Carter looks like George Washington by comparison.

    8 Answers

    I cried like this little girl when Obama was elected President.

    country bumpkin

    It's true! LOL

    But are these tears of joy or tears of woe?
    country bumpkin

    Obama and Joy are two words that don't belong in the same sentence.

    Thank you. Just making sure. :D

    Image result for animated jig dance


    I could understand French Fries...10 of them!

    Im not sure,if only  he would insult people a bit more like Trumpy,,

    Yup.. Tears will be flowing that's fer sure...

    Oh puleeeeeze. Who could possibly think that this is genuine? People will do almost anything to figure out how to get their 'little darlings' on the internet. 

    country bumpkin

    I totally agree. I thought the little girl was crying croc tears when the camera was up close to her face. Not at all convincing!

    Maybe she's using it for an audition of some sort. Made me kind of want to lose my lunch, in more ways than one.

    Three great minds think alike. :(
    country bumpkin

    Let us all regurgitate together. :)


    and if this video isn't enough, just refer back to the honey in the two-piece ROMOS posted. (Get me a bucket, quick)
    country bumpkin

    I thought he was kind of cute...LOL...NOT!

    Whoops, this was supposed to go under tabber's answer.
    @ Ducky Check him out. That email business is so far off his track I almost think someone set him up. He fired someone this week who may have been the email sender.
    The guy is pretty consistent and transparent, just a little too stiff. Pity, b/c he is smart and convicted.

    I will be thrilled to see President Obama out of office. The reason being that in my life time, I have never seen a president being treated so disrespectful. Even if a president is of a different party, as Americans we should try to support him in his good and positive endeavors. He brought thousands of jobs back, he travels all around the world trying to booker peace, (which is difficult since most leaders prefer some form of war). he got us taking to Cuba again, thank God, those people have suffered enough. He's assigned women and minorities to important positions. He tries to hear people and tries to implement what the public is pushing for, (like to pipeline debate). All this is and was especially difficult because all the other party people started off saying they would not support him on anything. And they haven't. Shame on their immature behinds. One big thing they have blocked infrastructure rebuilding with thousands of bridges in the united stated in trouble. a few have failed and people killed. Shame on you again. now these acting like children, public office holders, don't even want the president to pick a new judge to take scalia's place. SAD. and they think that's alright. actually it shouldn't be tolerated. My mother has a multi-millionaire friend that lives in Hillsborough, CA. she said she was embarrassed that people were so rude to the president, and his work. People say the president's wife, michelle, was h*** in the white house. Thank God she was because the dirty looks and rudeness they had to put up with. she showed those naughty men the mirror. when they gave her dirty snotty looks, she rolled her eyes and gave them right back to them.  So i'm sorry people did not respect the president more, but i'm happy he gets to tell that crap goodbye.


    I read your answer twice, tabber, and could not disagree with you more, offering you the following article to read if you choose.
    As a conservative person who favors "traditional" or "Biblical" family values, has been over-burdened by Obama's health care reform as I watched my premiums triple, and lives in fear of his appointment of a Supreme Court Justice, I do not see where he has done anything to further U.S. prosperity, foster an "I can do it myself" attitude, maintain or improve any kind of respect and/or fear of our strength as world leader, or use his influence as an "African-American" president to foster good will among the vast number of ethnicities that make up the melting pot of America. HIS disrespect for America dwarfs anything he and his wife may have incurred.
    That said, I respect your opinion and hope that you still have the right to express it before he gets done with us.

    I've skimmed the article that you (Bob) posted and I understand what you are saying. I became increasingly confused while watching Obama as I've wondered why, of all presidents, he did nothing to bring blacks and whites together. He had many, many opportunities to SPEAK UP! He did not. Being well liked somehow seems more important to him. Eight years wasted by remaining silent on that one issue alone. I would add, hasn't the Bush family been disrespected? I think so.

    @Ducky, yes, but they are white, so it's OK.
    (you know I don't believe that for a moment)

    I get it. And they are still being disrespected. And Bill's not. Odd how people pick their targets.

    It certainly is. Doesn't show much intelligence on their part.
    I'm still embarrassed for Hillary and humiliated by Bill. Donald Trump does not represent anything I value as an American or person in general. ..just so you know

    Such a raucous, insulting human being yet he keeps winning...looks as though he'll get the nomination.

    I am almost in shock. Can't you just hear him telling people in the cabinet to "Shut up" or "You're fired".
    He is definitely encouraging civil disobedience in the remarks he makes at rallies (when he said he would punch someone who was heckling him and was being politely escorted out). Someone is going to take him up on the offer and there will be a riot. He is a liar and antagonist, and his disrespect for everything and everyone is appalling. I do not understand why the other candidates don't call him on his record as a businessman (which includes bankruptcies and dishonesty) or why he is not admonished to be quiet when it is another's turn to speak. If someone did that to him, he'd be escorted politely out of the room while The Donald guffaws that he would just rather punch the guy. Sigh. I really think Cruz is our best bet (for Republicans AND America), because he DOESN'T have support from The Establishment. Tells me THAT guy is representing the interests of his "people" and not the interests of himself.

    Don't you think that Cruz is pretty underhanded with some of the dishonest things he's pulled...i.e....insinuating that Carson was quitting and various other tactics? I think I like Rubio better.

    No, I went to the Cruz for President website and investigated quite a bit. I think what was released was a result of what the media put "out there". Cruz was accosted by a media guy ranting about the email, and Cruz gave him something think about when he asked if what that particular media name (I can't remember who) was not to be believed. Being FROM that media source really settled the guy down. Cruz is NOT mainstream politician and I believe he went to Washington to do what he told the voters he would do. Rubio is the choice of the establishment, which, to me, means "More of the Same". AND, he accused Cruz of doing something HE actually did (which Cruz did NOT do). If Rubio wants to crucify Cruz for allegedly doing something Rubio actually DID, what should we do with Rubio? :D Cruz is by far the best choice simply because the party doesn't control him; integrity does (or so I think).

    It's so hard to actually figure out what is a lie and what is the truth. There is so much going on in this campaign. I've never seen anything like it. You can give Trump the credit for all of the "buzz", that's for sure. Amazing and not at all anything that I can comprehend.

    The media are falling all over themselves. Nothing like this has ever been seen before! He's like a two-headed cow or a three legged ostrich. Or a one-eye parrot, or a six-fingered child, or a bearded woman, or or or (help me....another example of a freak)

    And....I'm off to another Republican debate on CNN tonight. You?

    Probably not; it is honestly painful to watch and hear Trump.

    Awww come on, let's go. We'll see if Wolf Blitzer can control him. :)

    Well, it looks like he got a little bit of what he deserved. I wish Rubio and Cruz would have double-teamed him and just talked right over his protestations and insults. What a total blowhard. People laughed, but I'm sure they won't be laughing if he gets into office.
    It's probably too little too late.

    Exactly what I thought....they should have "attacked back" a long time ago. But have you heard the latest....Trump has now been endorsed by Christie!!!??? Remember when Christie said (in NH) that Donald Trump had no business running for President? Wow...what a turnaround. I wonder why? Hmmm...

    Christie must be thinking of VP or Attorney General (which would be a good choice without him sucking up to Trump). Now, I have no respect for him, either....none for any politician supporting him. I'm listening to my talk radio show, and some guy is saying he supported Trump until he realized that Trump doesn't have any plan except to say "Make America great". He notes Rubio can't follow through with a good thought. He's supporting Ben Carson, because Carson didn't get enough talk time. I really feel like I'm out on an island all by myself supporting Cruz. He doesn't come across well, unfortunately, because there is no one who truly cares more about America and Americans than Cruz standing on that stage. What's your take on Ted?

    I agree re: comes an appointment if Trump becomes president. My take on Cruz is not good although I can't give you an intelligent reason why. I sure didn't like how he ("his people") inferred that Carson had dropped out and then pretended it to be unintentional. I don't believe that. He does not seem trustworthy to me but I'm still listening to what he has to say. All of the candidates with the exception of Ben Carson, have gotten downright childish. I'm embarrassed FOR them.

    Don't you guys know my views all ready? Obama has created and started a great many things I'd like to see finished. I wish he could run again. At least he brought home the separation between church and state ......

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