    We are seeing Syrian Hate in our communities. Are you?

    The world is shifting. 

    +6  Views: 558 Answers: 6 Posted: 9 years ago

    6 Answers

    Only on the news, I feel sorry for the innocents in Syria.


    Me as well.



    There are a large number of Christian Armenians in Syria, and there has been no discernible hatred I'VE seen or heard in our city.  Many in my church are originally from Syria or Lebanon. They are heartbroken with what has been going on in their homeland. 


    This is important. Thank you.
    terryfossil 1

    Bob, Australia has said we will take the most persecuted Syrian's,,and that would be the Christian Syrian's..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Thank you FISH-O and terry. It's unfortunate in our world that so few can make such a problem for so many. :(

    We are seeing a lot of muslim mistrust and that's for sure.I suppose you can hardly blame people.It's just human nature especially after events such as 9/11.

    I grew up just after WWII & the Japanese/German mistrust was rife.People wouldn't buy Japanese cars.(Some people),My mother was half German.That was a secret.I never knew it until I was 30 odd.

    Terry's link puts you in the picture I think.We just have to sort out the ones we want.

    Our current policy in Australia is Nobody that arrives by boat from Syria or anywhere else will be granted the right to stay automatically.In fact it is guaranteed that they won't be able to stay unless there are are very stringent circumstances and that's one Govt policy that I agree with.

    I hope I've explained my point of view clearly.



    You have. The situation is very similar here. It is just horrible to see such hatred toward a certain group of people when our country is literally made up of our First Nations People and a massive amount of immigrants.

    The trouble with the Muslims is that they are so reluctance to integrate with those of us who do not share thier faith,,
    terryfossil 1

    Well said Tom. and on the money Hector..

    I live in a very large city made up of all sorts of people with an extremely large community of South Asians. It is a special experience living here.

    I grew up with the idea of acceptance. I don't look at skin colour or religion. I see the person.

    When fear drives us we don't open our minds and if we don't open our minds negative opinions walk right on in.

    This will only add to our problems..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..


    These people have to find a home somewhere.

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