How did that work out for you?
One night I left my keys in my car and locked the garage door (push button lock), realizing, as I closed the door, BIG mistake. I had to climb over my 6 foot fence to get out of my yard (padlock on gate) and went to my neighbor's. He made me spend the night (it was after midnight) in the guest room and we called a locksmith in the morning. I haven't done THAT again. Recently, my son locked the keys in his car at my house. AAA had them back in his hand within 20 minutes.
9 Answers
MsBob, i have locked the keys in every car i have had, thankgod for road - side assistance to get me out of trouble, the car i have now it is virtually impossible to do this, it has a proximity switch for ignition, the screen in the car tell me when i close the door to lock it -- 'Key detected in car', i sometimes put the key in the console but most times it is my pocket which where it is most of the time, the grand kids get a kick out of it as i don't need a key in the ignition to start the car, and to lock it i just touch the door handle, as for the house i have done it once, had to break a louvred window in the laundry around the back. it P@#ssed me off i had to replace the glass --- sorry i am writing a essay again, i can't help myself. :)
9 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
When my son was a few weeks old I got a brand new car. I was so excited to show my new car to my grandparents so I drove over to their house and honked for them to come outside. I had no idea that all the doors lock as soon as the drivers door is shut so when I got out of the car and shut the door, my baby was locked inside and I was locked out of the car.
I immediately went into a state of panic and began bawling my eyes out. My grandfather called a locksmith and from the time my grandfather made the call til the time the car was unlocked was only about 20 minutes. I'm so thankful that my baby was so young that he slept through the entire incident.
The next day I had a new key made and bought a magnetic key box that I slipped underneath the bumper of my car. It came in handy twice after that.
9 years ago. Rating: 10 | |

Yes, locked the keys in my car....twice in one week....same guy from C.A.A. (even though they have dozens of drivers) came to the rescue....second time with a smile on his face. I said, "It's okay to laugh at me"! So he did! "Having a rough week"? YES!!! :)
9 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Yes, locked the car keys in the boot( Americans call it the trunk ?).Called for roadside assistance waited over an hour in the heat.Could of saved all this hassle if I had of known there is a boot release lever in the glove compartment.
9 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
If i locked my keys in my car,i can have them in my hands in less than 2 minutes,,however it has been a few years since i have done so..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
9 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Yes.. Had a 1984 Ford Ranger that was a couple years old. The keys were sitting on the front seat with me staring at them through locked doors. The lock Smith took one look and asked if I had a spare key, I said no, so he went back to his truck and made me a key just from looking at the key laying on the seat.
We put the push button electronic locks on our house while we were building it. All the contractors had a code so when they were done we just deleted that code. A couple months age I was trying to get in and one number didn't work... I pulled the button off with my leatherman to try to jump the contacts but no use. I finally found a window that was unlocked, cut the screen and put my little girl in so she could unlock the dang door... And yes they do take keys also just in case, but dang if I can find em even now..
9 years ago. Rating: 9 | |