    How big has the earth grown?

    A slight argument with a co-worker, she say the the earth gives life and takes life. All things die there for its a balance, there for the earth does not grow. I tried to make a point of saying that a redwood tree starts with a small seed but grows big enough that you can cut a hole in it and drive a car through it. Even humans start out as a seed barely visible to the anked eye. Surely the remains of the dead plants and animals leave a little more than when they started. So how big has the earth grown, if at all??

    +6  Views: 638 Answers: 5 Posted: 8 years ago

    5 Answers

    If you think about islands that have formed from volcanic lava, the earth has grown.....

    ....not a significant amount.

    I can't say if it's growing but it is slowing down.The Earth's rotation at the equator is slowing down at the rate of 2 seconds every 100,000 years.Now see if that helps you to sleep at night.LOL


    I have a hard time sleeping anyway. Now I gotta worry bout this. Time for a big stiff drink of JD oil..

    Wow ,,Very big thiers America now and lots of little Islands like Australia and  Newzeland and that,,,


    You're the one that's on a little island hec.
    terryfossil 1

    Little island Hec..?????here is a little lesson in size my little friend.. ... The british isles fits into Queensland 9 times,,Queensland is only 1 state of Aussie..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    You tell him,Tom and Terry--- Hey that sounds very much like a cartoon. lol.
    terryfossil 1

    Yeah Kent,i can just see Tom rolling over and belly laughing..>>>>>>>><<<<<<..Sorry Tom, i could not find Kent..

    You could not find me Terry, i did not do an answer as i am tired of writing Essays about that little piece of soil below Scotland.

    Atta Boy Terry! Go get 'im.

     I reckon this is as fair an answer as any JDB,,  ""

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