    Have you ever broken up a fight?

    I dunno, I just saw it on TV......

    +7  Views: 548 Answers: 11 Posted: 9 years ago

    11 Answers

    Yes, I'm Scottish.


    Happy Birthday Ted,,,,,,,,,,

    Thanks Dougal, many happy returns.

    ....yes, at work.

    Of course...I had three sons. 


    Yup. Broke em up.. Started em ended, em, had em ended for me too.. Ouch. many many moons ago..  Kinda like to think Ive grown up or wised up, or got to dang old. Still like a good argument though.

    I had to think hard JH,,and i can remember 1,,member heaps i got into,,>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Yes, had the unfortunate job of breaking up a fight between two women, both got a written warning' Inappropriate behaviour in the work place', if the General manager found out both would be dismissed on the spot, never had trouble with the girls again.  --- terrible thing to see women fight.  :)

    Yes i did not get where i am today by watching them,,

    A dog fight.

    terryfossil 1

    I have broken up about 4 dog fights CB,i came out worse for wear in about 2 of them,i got bitten in the face and back of my knee..both times my own fault..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..
    country bumpkin

    There was an Alaskan Husky fighting with my German Shepherd/Lab mix in my back yard. She outweighed him by about 25 pounds. I was scared poopless trying to break them apart because I've been bitten by a dog so I know how much it hurts. I was afraid she was going to tear my dog to pieces so I took the risk.

    Yes, and when I did , they both cried like little babies. I thoroughly enjoyed it. One was an NFL offensive lineman 20 years ago.


    I just love you, zorro. I agree with darned near every answer you offer and are just so matter-of-fact and I love that.

    my better half's father went next door to his house, to break up a fight between two men. he never came back. they said it was too much and gave him a fatal heart attach at their house.


    That would have stopped any fight I would think....

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