    Do you personally know a police officer? A cop?

    I don't but always wanted to...

    +10  Views: 824 Answers: 10 Posted: 9 years ago

    10 Answers

    I have personally known two cops. All I can say is that I wouldn't want to be married to one. I think they bring their work  (and frustrations) home with them.


    Yeah. Talk about being married to your job!


    Some of them are downright deplorable and repulsive people.

    Some are great and very compassionate.

    Yes, I've had encounters with both kinds, at the same time, even. Poor rendition of Good Cop Bad Cop, when you know it's not an act

    I've seen them on Dateline, 48 Hours, 20/20, when the lawyers haul out the interrogation tapes.

    My personal experience with this phenomenon resulted in a complaint being filed against the "Bad Cop" and charges being dropped.

    My son's dad is a retired Federal police officer. 


    Ih, wow. Did you watch your p's and q's?
    country bumpkin

    I didn't always Julie.

    Met a retired deputy sheriff at my friend's a couple of times. Not impressed with him, as he declared disability after retiring and got a settlement for that as well.  Apparently, that is something a number of law enforcement people do. 

    I know several. My best friend was a deputy untill cancer took him almost 6 years ago. I tell people that he's the reason Bailey is in our life now. A little while after his death my wife told me she was pregnant.... After 24 years of marriage our first child was on the way. I can imagine Randy saying aw I gotta pick in him just one more time that's gotta last.. He was 10 years my Senior, a good mentor, I learned a lot from that ol boy.

    I come from the wrong side of the fence,so it was odd that i married into a family of cops,,then the boy became a cop and then customs and border control on the ocean..Talk about a weird world..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    ....yes, several.

    country bumpkin

    I bet you do! :)


    Yes two , one is a superintendent,  the other a constable. I wouldn't  tell either of them anything  that they could  use a evidence.  They would both shop their own mothers.

    Yes i knew a few ,sometimes a few to many,but in the end i did it my way,,


    LOL. You kill me.

    Know several, and know several correctional officers. Out here in west texas, the land of cotton, oil, and convicts. Several prisons around . I hear the prisons in texas are hiring and paying 4000  dollar sign on bonus. Plus you get free health care. If people can pass a drug test.


    Seems like a good gig if you can handle the company you keep. I imagine it is probably one of the most depressing jobs on the planet earth. In my head I would be thinking, "Seriously? Actually? Honestly? ... Do you listen to yourself inside of that cranium?" And then, "Why for goodness sakes?"

    Four thousand sign up and a drug test would be nothing in the big scheme of things. The "Me" witnessing complete stupidity on a grand scale and remain sane .... I don't do drugs and four thousand would not cut it, nor the salary.

    I have a friend who works in an institution. She is a saint. The kick in the pants is, she does not judge at all. ... Complete saint.

    I would be shaking my head and thinking, "Why can you not have thought to do something better with your time?"

    ... And, then there is all of that other stuff you have written about. ... at which point, I forget to breathe.

    yes. he owned a local newspaper and i wrote a column for him.

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