    What was the first song you remember ever singing?

    I ask because it came to me today when someone asked me if I remembered Smoky Bear? I do and still know the theme song.  Last sang it when I was four....

    +7  Views: 866 Answers: 10 Posted: 9 years ago

    10 Answers

    Jesus Loves Me.


    Precious video here>


    Never thought of it being animated......

    How much is that doggy in the window?

    Woof Woof!

    The one with the waggily tail


    PS. Circa 1951

    Some folks love to see red some folks never talk about it
    Some folks crave a blue lady some folks know and still they doubt it
    I'm just no good without it I'm not a man at all it makes my skin crawl
    Baby baby come on and save me save me my my baby baby come on and save me now
    Some folks love to feel pain some folks wake up every morning
    Some folks live for no reason some folks die without a warning
    I'm just no good without it I'm not a man at all it makes my skin crawl
    Baby baby come on and save me save me my my baby baby come on and save me save me
    My my baby come on and save me now
    I just can't live without it just can't live without it
    I don't want to think about it don't want to think about it
    I just can't live without it I just can't get it
    I just can't I just can't no I just can't live no I I can't
    I'm just no good without it I'm not a man at all it makes my skin crawl
    Baby baby come on and save me save me my my baby baby come on and save me save me
    Baby baby come on and save me save me my my baby baby come on and save me now
    'cos I just can't live without it I just can't live without it
    I don't wanna think about it I don't wanna think about it
    No I just can't can't live without it I know I don't wanna think about it
    I just can't live without I just can't I just can't no I can't.

    Nah, it really wasn't this one, it was this "Some folks".

    It was this crap that I still don't "get"...


    Think i coulld see you Ted,,that tall boy at the back,,??

    ....Mary had a little lamb

    terryfossil 1

    Yeah right..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    1 little 2 little 3 little Indians

    10 Green Bottles. At school in 1st Grade. ""

    Little ole wine drinker me,by Dean Martin..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..   ""


    This man was 100% class.
    terryfossil 1

    AAWWW C'mon Bob,,150% at least..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Yeah, 100% proof. :)

    The drinking bit was a bit. I met him one time when I was about 10. He was so personable and regular. Dad had albums and 8-tracks of Dean's recordings. (Yep, 8 tracks). We made a video for Dad's funeral and had some of Dean's songs accompany it. :)

    I see a nest a tiny nest up in the trees so high,the baby birds go tweet tweet tweet ,cant remember the rest,as that was in the Infants with Mrs Martenella,at St,Treasa's school a couple of years ago,,

    Believe or not a song called 'I've got the whole world in my hands' where i have heard this i don't know, it gives me the heeby geebies, i can't stand the song.


    I've heard "He's got the whole world....", but never "I"

    You could be right MsBob, anyhow i loath the song.

    Spiritual song, for revivals.

    You've recovered well, FISH-O!
    (Cauliflower DOES look like brains)

    so many. but i think happy birthday. also, love and marriage.

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