    Where do you all get your news from?

    It's my belief that the news media will elect the next president of the U.S. I try to watch CNN, MSNBC, FOX news. To me it's unreal the biased opinions that the news commentators have on all channels. CNN and MSNBC lean toward liberal, Fox News leans toward the more conservative. Just wondering if you watch just one channel to get your views and opinions or if you watch several and which ones do you watch.

    +8  Views: 824 Answers: 7 Posted: 9 years ago

    7 Answers

    It's unfortunate that most Americans can't come to the UK and watch the UK news footage regarding United States for at least six months.

     I had no idea how much news footage  in the USA  is covered up, left out  and skewered until I moved to the UK. 

    I'm beginning to understand why America/Americans are despised by the majority of the world. Americans do live in their own little bubble.

    The rest of the world do see a lot more of the news than Americans do!!


    I watch news from all countrys on sky t/v,not just local news,and a good selection on the internet,,

    ....from the breakfast bunch, newspaper and tv.

    You should try BBC World News, it gives you the views that most of the rest of the civilised world thinks about the American situation and turns it right up on its arse, I HATE THE BBC, I listen to the people that media companies interview, I actually watched a serious programme about the KKK last night, never saw a serious American voter amongst them let alone a friggin brain,to get back to your point Dave, don't listen to the media, just do what YOU feel is right!

    Sorry. What was your point, TV? Politics?


    Probably both Roy. I'm sick and tired of the crap from the news and politician's in general. I've watched almost all the debates and it seems like all the moderators want to do is get everyone into a pissing match, seems to get worse with each one although the Democratic debates seem more civilised. I have not made up my mind on a canadate. Yet but I do know it's not gonna be Bernie or Hillary. I will look more closely at the BBC I have watched it but not to the extent of the others
    Thanks for the info...
    terryfossil 1

    We have SBS news over here Roy,it seems to give a more balanced view of world affairs,,and it seems to give more than the commercial stations give,,however keeping in mind they all have their own agenda..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I watch morning, evening and nightly news and I read Yahoo. I like Facebook for news, too. I just caught that Harper Lee died from some news source other than main stream......

    Most of my news comes from the radio and the talk shows I listen to while driving.  I watch a little news and read a little news. 
    You have a valid point in that the news media are very subjective, which makes it basically impossible to get unbiased, FACT-FILLED information about candidates, just for starters. 
    The news of Harper Lee (author of "To Kill A Mockingbird") was the first news of the day on my I (heart) radio station.

    tv, radio, internet, talking to friends and family.

    I get my news from television, newspaper and some from the internet. I'm watching the results from South Carolina as I type. I wonder how many Americans are watching these results. Anybody? Do Americans know what happened in Nevada today? I do.     :)

    country bumpkin

    A few people rolled some snake eyes. :)

    Clinton wins Nevada!

    You're both right and you don't live in the U.S. either. :)

    We pay attention.

    "We" too. :)

    Just announced....Trump wins...again!

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