8 Answers
Paw and I went fishing for Rainbow Trout up at Pierre Grey's lake and saw many pan-sized fryers watching us intently along the shore-line so close you could scoop them with a net [totally taboo]. We caught nada a one. We were sleeping in tents and it was late Fall and it snowed one night. In the morning everything looked so beautiful and my dad decided to get a fire roaring and start up some breakfast frying up a cast-iron pan filled with bacon. I was in my tent just cozied up in my bedding while my Paw's girlfriend was reading in their tent. Suddenly Paw starts yelling to me "Alright what'd you do with the bacon?"
I was like ... "You talkin' to me?" And he was like "Where the hell did the bacon go?" We were stymied. He loaded up the pan again and, of course, turned his back on that pan ... but I was watching from my tent while one after another a family of Whiskeyjacks came silently swooping down, each one scooping a slice of hot frying bacon from the pan and silently flying back up to a selection of high branches where they were expertly laying the bacon to cool before gobbling it up!!! When my Paw saw this he nearly fell over swearing up into the trees at those clever little buggers! LOL
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |

9 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
I haven't been fishing in probably 30 years. But my little girl wants to go so I'm going to have to brush up.
9 years ago. Rating: 10 | |

Love to fish and will even worm a hook. And I'm pretty darn lucky at it, too. My hubby and I went camping and to fish. Everybody and his dog were on the water that day and the fish just absolutely were NOT biting. Just one of those days but, I cast and hooked a bass across it's back!
9 years ago. Rating: 8 | |

....I have not fished in years. We had a place on the lake for twenty years.
....enjoyed watching my wife catch her first fish.
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |

....my wife enjoyed skiing.
Fishing for salmon on the Eel River in Six Rivers National Forest, from the bank, I had been casting straight out for quite some time. I'd hooked a "big one", and we lost it right at the "scoop it out of the water with the net" point. A boat suddenly appeared RIGHT IN THE SPOT WHERE I'D BEEN CASTING, and just stopped! GRRR. I cast my line anyway, and it landed right in the middle of the boat. The fisherman looked up and my friend groaned. In the boat sat his football coach!
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Venny and i went crabbing up the Pumerstone passage via Coochin Creek,,we would drop a half a dozen crab pots in Coochin before heading into pumerstone for a few flathead,,we were still in the mangroves in Coochin when she had to go..i trimmed the boat up to a stand of mangroves and let her off,,as she was trying to get back on,i had to keep the motor trimmed up against the bank,,she had one leg over the boat and she is pushing the boat out with the other leg,and guess what,the water dropped straight down a metre of the edge,,and so did venny,,had to stop the boat and pull up a very unhappy wife,,,however we did go get a coupla flathead,,and picked up a few muddies on the way back,,>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
9 years ago. Rating: 5 | |

Three years ago, myself and 5 of my work mates went on a Fishing Charter, a huge bugger made for deep water, rough seas, fortunately it was a reasonably smooth seas, the Captain took us out roughly 60 nautical miles, all of a sudden we stop, and dropped our lines in 40 metres of water, and bang, we all almost hooked a fish at the same time, mine was a 9 kilo Snapper, these fish put up a good fight, in all we caught 12. nice size too, that was all we were allowed by law off a boat, he took us to another spot where we caught our quota of 6 King George Whiting each weighing in approx. 2 kilo's each, it was a great day. ( Snapper sells for $28 a kilo. and Whiting $24 a kilo.)
9 years ago. Rating: 4 | |