    Toupee...Men if you are bald or were to become bald, would you wear a Toupee or not and why?

    Some celebrities who wear Toupee's.

    +8  Views: 816 Answers: 9 Posted: 9 years ago

    Which one is Ted amoung those pics ,C/b??
    country bumpkin

    He doesn't make the list Dennis. :))

    9 Answers

    Ted Danson and Bert Reynolds always had 'good' ones. Now John Travolta, on the other hand.... Well, just take a look. This is what he has worn for the past several years. Ugh!


    Please, just shave off that carpet!!


    He's playing Robert Kadashian in the latest OJ series that started here last week, I hardly recognised him.

    He's excellent in it. I only got to see the first episode and now the channel is no longer carrying it. :(

    That won't happen here, you'll need to move.

    Can you put me up until the series ends?

    Of course, I'll sleep on the couch, you can have my floor.
    country bumpkin

    Burt Reynolds is an old fart now but boy was he a fine piece of dandy candy to look at in the 70's and 80's. It's hard to imagine Burt or any of the others pictured actually being bald.
    We missed the first half hour of the OJ movie unfortunately, but I will make sure we don't miss the rest.
    Why is the channel you were watching no longer carrying this movie?

    No idea why they only showed the first one. I've looked everywhere to find it. :(
    I see that you found something nice. He looked good back then but he's an odd duck....oops....I mean, he's quite odd. :)

    No I am a boldy,  I wouldn't  wear a wig . I'm  happy with the way I am , I have a No.1 cut with what's left, so I don't  have to worry. Just need to wear a hat , to keep out the cold in the winter, and protection  from the sun during the summer. 


    Yep, I see ye...

    Good for you!
    country bumpkin

    Dave, men are handsome bald or with a full set of hair.

    Yes you've hit the nail on the head there Roy. Alf Garnett and me have very similar looks, and views sometimes.

    Nope, it's not gonna make me any prettier than what I already am...

    country bumpkin

    Nothing sexier than a man with a tractor...

    ....he!! no.

    country bumpkin

    I know you don't wear a toupee, all I have to do is look at your avatar. LOL
    Benthere !

    Most definitely not,,i am well past vanity,,i have got a roman nose that rome's all over my face,and have had my jaw broken in 3 places,,all that does not bode well for good looks.however the photo comes close with the haircut,except i have a grey mo and grey goatee..lucky for me,i had no grey and a lot more hair when i met a good looking woman who became my wife,,She shoulda went to specsavers..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..""

    country bumpkin

    HA! Now you've got me curious to if you watch the same Specsavers commercials as we do.
    terryfossil 1

    sorry CB,i forget to put the link in,have a look now..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
    country bumpkin

    LOL...That is funny. We haven't seen this commercial, but they are the same types.

    I would. I wouldn't like people using my head as a mirror.

    country bumpkin

    Or a hacky sack...LOL

    My ex-husband was losing his hair at age 16, and most of it was gone when I met him in his mid 30's.  He was always the most handsome man in the room, wherever we were.  Emphasis on the word "was".  :D   
    If I lost most of my hair, I would investigate the pros and cons of wearing a wig.  One of my elementary school classmates wore one her whole junior and senior high school years.  I have no idea what necessitated that nor did I ask.


    I went to school with a boy who was almost bald by the second year of high school. He was really cute (even without hair) and was also such a nice guy. I still remember that his name was Danny. Lots of girls had a crush on him. <3

    He was apparently quite popular, too, and always had a girlfriend, bald, skinny, and "4-eyes" notwithstanding. Cause he's got (drum)personality -(drum) personality-etc.
    country bumpkin

    Only shallow people can not see a bald man as sexy.

    You are kidding me, CB, i would not wear a toupee under any circumstances, hopefully i will depart with my full set of hair even thou it is starting to grey, not bad for 66.  :)

    country bumpkin

    Roy turns 60 on Monday and he still has a full set of hair. It's salt and pepper which I think is sexy.

    CG, it is called, the swarve, sophisticated look.

    Oh, God. I hope not.....

    country bumpkin

    You hope not what, Julie???

    That anybody would choose a wig with the exception of Dansa.....
    country bumpkin

    Oh, I understand now. Thanks.

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