The name of the child, the time and date and then this...
"We know its not tradition
Please do not think of us brash,
But instead of a birthday gift L$$$n would realty like some cash.
The choice is yours,
He's got everything he needs
And he will certainly appreciate
Everything he receives.
7 Answers
Well, it's the truth but a little tacky. Welcome gifts and thanks for every one. Get the word out that cash is needed some other way. Family and close friends can spread your needs....
9 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
I am at a bit of a loss Bobette.
I think that's hugely tacky. Don't children like getting STUFF? Maybe a couple movie tickets and some theater-sized boxes of candy...being Greek has nothing to do with it.
9 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
I don't want to say no but, how many of these parties does he go to? It's a bit odd.
Also, with the Greek thing. The people are very good looking (Perfect teeth, bone structure... it's amazing), work hard, are completely respectable and outgoing. I am actually British.... we just hope for the best or are born into it. I feel I may be a bit out of the loop just as far as traditions go. I basically picked Greece as that is my only reference point on this particular subject.
My son usually picks out a present based upon what his friend likes. Giving money is just a bit out of our spectrum.
(There is no such thing as too many LEGO or K'NEX. My son built a 3 foot tall Eiffel Tower with K'NEX for Open House at school when he was in 3rd grade (went along with some report....) They are both a wonderful "toy" that should be in every kid's toybox.
We are both on the same page. There is a lot to be said about building and creating.
I'll look for those blocks. I have the LEGO and K'NEX in the garage, and my eldest will play with them on occasion
I actually made a long trip to a Lego store in search of windows and doors. I love building as much as my son and we spend hours together on projects. ... Building positive memories.
His Dad and I are trying our best. Our living room is filled with creations.... It would kill someone from a design magazine.
In my home I have a staircase up to the second floor. The walls, all sides, are filled with photos, things my children and friends made, and odd ball things collected from trips.
It constantly reminds me of who I love.
We probably have twin houses :)
The parents suggested giving money as an option, but they also said. the choice is yours.
Usually, only immediate family members or the nearest and dearest friends are familiar with what type of movies, games, clothing, toys and so on, a child likes or has in his/her possession, and everyone else must guess
I don't think gift certificates were readily available when the majority of the members on aka were raising young children, so gifts were preferable. New technology is expensive to keep up with so I think cash or a gift certificate are practical gifts to give now that we are in the 21st century. Times have changed!
Extra tidbit of info here:
My son grew up in the 90's when the most popular toys were all rechargeable or battery operated gadgets and cost a fortune to maintain. I couldn't afford to spend money on extra batteries nor did he show much interest in these types of toys......and my son didn't need four boxes of crayons one year for his birthday when he still had two boxes of unopened crayons from his birthday the year before.
It's not that my son and I didn't appreciate the gifts he received for his birthdays but 15/16/17 years later, what we remember most are the people who celebrated his birthdays with us and what we did for his birthday parties like roller skating and ice skating.
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
I do suppose what was rude 20 years ago is not rude today.
Thanks CB.
(He is attending another birthday party on Sunday ... the parents just sent an invite and we will buy Lego) > This is the fourth birthday party this year. :) ... If this keeps up Lego will send me a Thank You card :)
In my ancient world of growing up asking for anything is actually rude. It does not apply to anyone else. I am an old dog learning new tricks.
Thank goodness for a different view. :)

My son is going tot the party because he wants to and he is going to do his gift giving thing because it makes him happy. My viewpoint is a non-issue and I am side lining the way I was brought up. ... That is a great thing! I really don't need to be such a poop. :)
I'd ignore the $$$ request ... and get him this as a combination [go fly a kite hehe] response / gift ! ;D
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Geeez. These people have got front. In other words they are saying we don't want your junk gifts. L$$$n would like to pick something that is worthwhile to him. Saves you running around choosing a gift.
9 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
My son gets a big kick out of buying the perfect gift. He thinks about the gift.
My son has a friend who is on the spectrum and when his friend came to my son's last birthday party, the child declared, "I know you are going to love this gift! It's the best gift!" ... and he was correct. The gift was a volcano making kit. Very cool.
My son in turn gave this friend a magic kit for his birthday. His friend was over the moon as he loves magic and one other friend declared, "Now you can turn your Mom into a frog!".
We made a day of finding that magic kit by travelling into Granville Island, having lunch and sight seeing as well.
The gift giving part is fun.
will show you how brash
he has been with his stash?