2 Answers
In competitive diving, points out of 10 are awarded by each of the judges. In Olympic competition, there are seven judges, who each score a dive based on the four elements of: approach, take-off, execution and entry into the water. At other competition events, it is customary to have five judges.
Each dive is considered without regard to the degree of difficulty of the dive. (This is taken into account later by the tariff).
Nine judges assess the synchronized diving. Four concern themselves with how the individual carries out a dive, while five assess the synchronization — how much the pair mirror each other’s movements, including timing, height, distance, and speed of rotation.
In both types of competition, the highest and lowest marks are disregarded, and the scores from the remaining judges are added together. This score is then multiplied by the degree of difficulty (or 'tariff') of the dive, which is based on the number and types of maneuvers attempted, such as somersaults, pikes, tucks and twists.
Read more here...https://www.realbuzz.com/articles/how-scoring-works-in-diving/
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