    Like an Arrow Through The Heart

    Valentines Day is Sunday. Do you have a worst Valentines memory and who ruined it for you?



    Example:  When I was married to my son's father, he used to wake up an hour earlier every year on Valentines Day so he could place roses on the desks of all the women he worked with before they arrived to the office.

     On one particular Valentines Day my husband had not left a gift or a card for me before he took off early to work nor did I receive the usual V Day bouquet from  the florist.

    Please don't misunderstand me because I was not some sort of spoiled wife who expected she must be pampered to on Valentines Day though I do admit I looked forward to "something".

     When my husband arrived home from work he handed me a coffee cup full of heart shaped candies topped off with a Mylar balloon which made me totally giddy when he handed it to me. BUT......My day was ruined when he looked me in the eyes and told me that he had completely forgotten about me on Valentines Day until he passed the florist while driving home from work and informed me that the only reason he was able to give me a gift was because the person who had ordered the coffee cup filled with candy never showed to pick the gift up.      Like an arrow through the heart!!!

    Please share your worst Valentines Day memory with us.


    +8  Views: 882 Answers: 3 Posted: 9 years ago

    Sorry girls i think 'Valentines Day' is just a rip off, during the year a dozen red roses are around $20, for Valentines day $110/ 120/- $140 ---- properly the only time a women is not suspicious receiving flowers. :)
    country bumpkin

    Probably the only time a woman is not suspicious receiving flowers! LOL

    3 Answers

    Valentine's Day has never been a particularly meaningful day for me, so I don't have too many horrible memories.
    I did receive a slim, gold band from a young man I had hoped to marry.  He left it with my roommate to give to me, on Valentine's Day, 1973. I'm not exactly sure why we didn't see each other again.  Long time ago.... 
    I wear it under a silver band that is a little wider. 


    That actually is quite sad. I wonder why he didn't give it to you personally.
    country bumpkin

    He would probably be chuffed to know you still wear the ring. Have you ever thought about contacting him?

    He's in Oregon, works for US Forest Service, married even later in life than I. Always was a decent person and kind.

    It was my first Valentine's day after leaving an assaultive ex who was, at the time. in jail for it. He had commissioned this guy to show up at my 'safe' house on v-day bearing a note of apology and roses. Well as it happened I was chopping wood outdoors at the time and I just layed that bouquet on the chopping block and swung away .... LOL



    Who the heck invented Valentine's day anyway? Argh!

    I feel a Tim Burton movie coming on. Or, better yet, David Lynch.
    country bumpkin

    I can picture you chopping up the roses with an ax. Good for you!
    Thanks for the good read.

    My mother always bought us Valentines and in 1976 my husband gave me a very sweet one. That was the last one I ever got......

    country bumpkin

    That is sad. :(

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