    See A Penny Pick It Up....

    Today is Lost Penny Day. Many people save their pennies throughout the year and donate to charity.

    Most people  think a penny is worthless but there are so many things we can do with them, aka recycling. 

    My question is what do you do with your pennies/change?

    +10  Views: 1036 Answers: 8 Posted: 9 years ago

    8 Answers

    Find a penny heads up, it's good lucj, pick it up. If it's tails up, turn it over and leave it for the next guy to find and have good luck.....

    country bumpkin

    LOL.... I like your answer but have you actually read my question?
    Thanks for your answer. :)

    Put them in a jar.....
    country bumpkin

    LOL.... Great answer! :)

    ....can't respect a penny, don't deserve a dollar.

    ....once the bank bag fills with pennies/change, I cash them. It usually amounts to $120-$140.

    ....then, it is hidden from my wife.

    country bumpkin

    Did you see the article where the man had saved his pennies for over 40 years?
    I read this three days ago....
    country bumpkin

    Has anyone here read the fine print to my question? LOL

    ....please, see adjusted answer.
    country bumpkin

    LOL....I really am kidding! Sometimes you are too funny!
    Does the stashed cash go towards your ice cream fund! :)

    Pennies have been discontinued in Canada. They cost more than a penny to produce, so that makes sense. My change gets thrown in a box. When the box is full, I roll it and take it to the bank for 'paper money'. Why do I roll it? Because our bankers will no longer do that for customers. Ahh...more great customer service!    :(

    country bumpkin

    Same in the USA. If you have more than 50 pennies they must be rolled. I remember when I was living in Florida in 1989, I took 4 rolls of pennies into a store and the girl said she couldn't take my money because pennies or not considered money. I had her call the manager and I got my 4 dollars. LOL

    They still use pennies in the U.S., do they not, or is that only in some parts of the U.S.?
    country bumpkin

    Yes, pennies are still used in the USA. The girl was very young. This was most likely her first job and the first time she had seen rolls of pennies.

    If I have a "wheat penny", a "buffalo" nickel, or a "winged" dime, it goes in a frog bank my late mother-in-law gave me.  I have a big jug with over $500 of change (I know this because my son gave me the first $500 all at once). 
    Generally, I spend my change as fast as I spend my paper money.  On Wednesday, I usually give a good chunk of change to my bowling team for my missed spares and if I don't get my average. 

    Image result for cash and coins in a pile photos


    country bumpkin

    Why do you have to pay money for missed spares? Is it like paying a fine for losing a game?

    No, just a little kitty that builds up over the season, usually enough to take ourselves out to a nice restaurant for dinner and drinks. Some teams have an elaborate system where YOU pay when someone gets a strike, converts a split, etc. along with paying when you miss. Every frame could cost you as much as 40 cents, depending on the pay schedule. That could be $12/night! The worst I've done is $1.40, which is a horrible night. Those others teams can pay entry fees, lodging, food for out of town tournament AND greens fee for a round of golf while they're at it! Too much for my blood. :-0

    We haven't gone out for 3 years, tho, so could probably do that pretty soon

    Noe pennies here no more.I put everything less than a dollar into a glass jar & cash it in at Xmas.Usually amounts to about $100.

    country bumpkin

    That's awesome Tommyh. Sometimes a little adds up to a lot.

    We have no pennies no more but if we did ....

    Image result for coin toilet seat


    Wow a diamond encrusted lavertestreet,,
    country bumpkin

    That's as close as one can get to flushing pennies down the toilet. :)

    This would make a nice mirror.

    "Need a penny take one...need two get a job!

    country bumpkin

    HMMM! Uh HMMM!
    country bumpkin

    Thanks for your answer but did you read my question?

    I saved quite a lot of pennies and halfpenny before we changed over to Dollars,,and i have a lot of old ones in a tin,,i think i will just hang on to them till i die,,in Aussie we changed to dollars in 1966..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..


    Terry, the Americans call their one cent coins pennies our govt. was smart a to delete the one and two cents coins, waste of space in the pocket, all they were good for was 'Penny Poker' and still are.
    country bumpkin

    In Scotland they have a two pence coin which I think is sort of neat because they don't exist in the USA. When I see one on the ground I pick it up and put it in a big glass jug.
    The USA still has the one dollar bill but in the UK the smallest bill is a five. I don't like it because of all the loose change.
    terryfossil 1

    Kent,why would you call a cent a penny,,if they wanted pennies why did they not change to pounds shilling's and pence,,wierdly back to front,>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..and you are right about the 1 and 2 cent coins,i am a bit worried about them talking about losing the 5 cent coin,i price of things went up when they deleted the 1 and 2 cent,,but the 5 cent would give the shops a killing and possibly the cost of living a big hike..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
    terryfossil 1

    @CB,We have a 1 and 2 dollar coin our smallest note is a 5 dollar note,,And all our notes are a special polymer plastic,with security markings all through understanding is Aussie invented the notes and other countries are picking it up..>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

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