    Is it wrong for law enforcement to stay outside voting facilities and arrest people with outstanding arrest warrants before they go vote ?

    It happens and you just don't know. I wonder what party they belong to? 

    +8  Views: 462 Answers: 9 Posted: 9 years ago

    9 Answers

    I don't see which party a law enforcement officer belongs to has any bearing on enforcing the law. 

    The police are doing their job by arresting people with outstanding warrants.

    I do think it's a  sneaky way of  gathering up criminals just like when road blocks are set up to check for valid license and insurance. 

    country bumpkin

    HA! I crack myself up! You meant what party do the people with arrest warrants belong too. DUH!

    Its usually the best opportunity , along with certain holidays, local celebrations down in the parks with large gatherings of people. I of course had to mark as best answer.


    I wouldn't think so but if I were a guilty party, I'd pass up on voting and hope the democrats win without me....

    No. Why would it be wrong? Police can arrest law breakers anytime and anywhere that they can catch them. That is their job, after all.

    Of course not, police have the powers to arrest any where any time including churches.

    Nope.Go get 'em I say.

    Bang them up thats what i say,especialy If they have anythink to do with Trumpy,,

    Yes, it is wrong.  Arrest them AFTER they exercise their right to vote.

    One would assume they would arrest them after they exit the voting booth..considering it is hard enough to get people to vote in your country..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    Does compulsory voting make the politically disinterested more "interested"?
    terryfossil 1

    In some cases (yes) Roy,,some people if they know they have to go and vote will take the time to find out who they should vote for,,then there are the others who simply put a cross on the ballot paper,their vote becomes informal and does not count,,so yes,some will some will not..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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