12 Answers
We didn't watch it Julie. I do enjoy watching Superbowl commercials but a couple of members have mentioned they were not very memorable commercials this year.
9 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Yes, my friend invited me over, and her cousin arrived for a visit from San Diego, so it was nice to see her and watch the only game of the season I watched. I almost felt bad for her husband, the only man in the room, as he called me in from the kitchen for one replay, stating that I was the only one who knew what was going on.
I made spinach and artichoke dip in baked wonton wrappers and brought a couple other things. The food is important at a football game, and my friend is an excellent cook!
The commercials were a disappointment, but the halftime show was entertaining. So glad Denver won, but the defensive teams were the stars on both sides.
9 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
No, i know very little about the game,but i did go for the bronc's,someone said it was a close game,24-10 ,,is that a close game..seems like a lot of points between 24 and 10..??????..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..and the commercials were rigged from Doritos advert,,,i reckon the Aussie one about the Ultrasound was a mile better than the 3 dogs,,what do you reckon..http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/tv/doritos-super-bowl-ad-has-plenty-of-people-fired-up/news-story/5543a25a111ccad5fc95cd55424d0cf3
9 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
The score is actually 2 touchdowns, which is a lot, really, but not a runaway. The score was 16-10 for "a long time", so if the Panthers scored a touchdown and converted the point after, the score would have been 17-16. When the Broncos FINALLY scored an offensive touchdown, they got a 2-point "point after" conversion, which gave them a 24-10 lead and made it pretty tough for Carolina, especially with only a minute+ remaining.
A touchdown is 6 points. Field goal is 3 points, safety is 2 points, 1 point for a place kick after touchdown or 2 points for a pass/run after touchdown.
Lots of big penalties. The Panthers had a 15 yard penalty at the end of the game which also cost them 10 seconds from the clock (never heard of this before, but I've not watched football in ages), and that left 1 second. Tough loss for Mr. Newton.
Yes i did, watched my first game of football live on 7, as usual the Americans go over the top, i did not understand why there was representatives from your defence forces there, the entertainment at half time was ok, am i correct the coach can communicate with players during the game via audio, i did not understand the game when it started, my knowledge of the game when the Broncos thrashed the Panthers was not any better, a little like Rugby, but without all that padding, before you start blasting me , it is how i saw it. :) ps i loved the Cheerleaders.
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |